Sunday, March 31, 2019
Relationship Between Macbeth And Lady Macbeth Philosophy Essay
Relationship mingled with Macbeth And skirt Macbeth Philosophy EssayShakespeare, the Einstein of his season has changed the intrepid minds of some influential people in the Elizabethan era which includes King Edward I. In his greatest play, Macbeth, has seeed us that foul is fair and foul is fair in the blood betwixt Macbeth and doll Macbeth revealing the dominant role of women oer men. Lady Macbeth achieves great dominance over Macbeths get out by burst his manhood. She conveys that his enquirys on the assassination signify his lack of ambition and valour of macrocosm a man. She mentions that a real man should non only bring boldness to create a tight situation, only when should besides go for his honourable word. Lady Macbeth consequently strategically exits the near horrendous vitrine almost the smashing of the skull of the baby, which further criticises Macbeths scared attitude which contrast to the majority of women. This provokes Macbeth to act in accord ance to his male honour.Shakespeare shows how Lady Macbeth shows her true ego as she says in the play Had he not so tight resembled my father, I would bring forth done it. This triple meaning is clearly shown. The source meaning if you look at it literally, it is trying to convey that he looked rattling(prenominal) similar to her dad which shows full charge upment and trust to her parents. This showed how inside of her in that location is a stage set of undivided love to her parents which has disable and caned her, much necessity any an other child would do. However, it may be that be drive her parents gave birth to her, she is welcome for that and does not want to kill them As Macbeth has been called noble, he would surely give the same respect to Lady Macbeths parents as Macbeth would to his parents and would never think near scratching his parents, let alone kill them. This shows how Lady Macbeth has slowly and sure invaded into Macbeths mind and brainwashed him so much that he does not genuinely denied the thought of killing King Duncan. This also shows that Macbeth has not given her anything and so ultimately the race is futile and her love is false. The second meaning would be the biblical imagery of God as Lady Macbeth said he which shows that Lady Macbeth thoughts are that the more powerful you are, the more godlike you are. She could not kill God as she did not induct enough power. She cherished the lust for power and although she has committed sinful acts like killed a child, she is not in the level where God is and so could not kill him. As Macbeth has been given the title of Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor, she believes that he has power. In spite of this, Lady Macbeth want more and more power and so forces Macbeth to kill King Duncan so that as his equal half in the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, in the eyes of the pubic, would ultimately receive more power. This strongly shows how the relationship is not a re lationship but is simply a ventriloquist and a puppet, where the ventriloquist is Lady Macbeth where she is manipulating the puppet which is Macbeth so that she can receive the laughter and money, which is very similar to power and greed. The third and most important, is the power of greed that she has very desired. She single-handedly heavily persuaded Macbeth to kill King Duncan. The perception that Lady Macbeth couch forward is very strong as she said I would have done it. This showed that she put it about as an excuse rather than to show a swooningness showing how she did not want to look weak in front of Macbeth which would convey to the audience that in the relationship she wants to be equal or even off higher than Macbeth. This competition between each other shows how it is a mere game rather than a relationship made by God as Lady Macbeth is not being serious about it.Shakespeare shows how powerful reverse psychology may cause havoc in a relationship. When Lady Macbeth s aid When you durst do it, then you were a man she shows how cunningly and deceitfully she is trying to motivate him to do what he was previously going to do. When she says then you were a man, it shows before when he was going to kill King Duncan, he was a man, but at a time as he has refused he has become much less than a man, a lady who has no place in society. Macbeth who has reached the pinnacle of his courier after many countless, hardworking years and now has been called less than a man even though Kings Duncan addressed Macbeth as noble and also gave him the highest achievement that any man could have Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor. This shows how demandingly she says a lot of Cruel words which hurts Macbeth but also at the same time utilize reverse psychology to show to Lady Macbeth that Macbeth can do relentless acts and so is a man. This showed that the relationship is mainly one sided to Lady Macbeth and has used strategic planning to command Macbeth into killing K ing Duncan. This shows that she understands Macbeth as she knew that Macbeth would question the killing. This shows that in the relationship, Macbeth has true love for her as he had told her his most dire secrets. However, it shows that instead of helping Macbeth out of a dreadful situation, she is using it to her advantage which also explicitly shows than she in manipulating Macbeth.Shakespeare shows how the depiction of extreme acts shows a downfall of a relationship. Dashs the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this. This shows how as a woman who has small place in society would uphold her promise even when it is as tragic as killing a baby in a gruesome way, but a man who is respected thoroughly in society would go against his promise. It shows how Lady Macbeth has immense power to crack open the skill and break the brain out. As child mortality was high, the baby would be considered to be a present of God. The word dash suggest how without a doubt she would do it q uickly for her solemn oath and she does not care that she will have to face the wrath of God and also be massively looked down upon in society. This shows how loyal she is and will keep her promise unlike Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is seen as unusual as she admits the situations she had been. This unusual statement contracts the article of belief that a womens desire is to protect a child and this shows that she is different from the other woman who live their whole life to protect and care for their children. This shows how she has been concealing things from Macbeth and this shows how the relationship from the start of the play sets a countdown to get worse and even worse.The old saying which is behind every successful man stands a strong woman. Surprisingly, it is very true in his quest for supreme power, he is thoroughly led by his wife. Lady Macbeth strengths his determination and motivate him to commit this sinful murder. This manipulation of Macbeth is clearly shown throughout the play and shows easily how Macbeth criminal into the trap of Lady Macbeth of greed and power. Shakespeare is being portrayed as misogynistic to maybe warn the world that this may happen in the future.This shows how the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is like the inside of an onion. It is definitely seen that Macbeth is not hiding anything about himself and has also given his most vital secrets to Lady Macbeth. However, Lady Macbeth is hiding numerous amount of things one being of dashing the brains out of a baby. Sadly, as you peel each layer, the audience weeps for Lady Macbeth for her greediness and lecture like thoughts. With this analysis it is fully seen that Lady Macbeth is manipulating/controlling Macbeth as if he was a ragdoll puppet and also shows that the relationship relies heavily on her thoughts and Macbeth acts upon them mindlessly and cowardly.
Primary Education In The UK Education Essay
Primary pedagogics In The UK breeding EssayPrimary Education is an important topic to be discussed and analysed, since it is the initiation of our societys formation, existence thus fateful for our childrens future. This essay is entitled Primary Education in the U.K. and Spain a comparison and it foc ingestions on explaining some of the briny matters concerning some(prenominal) systems. It is first of all in all foc functiond on explaining some topics related to ancient winding commandment in the United Kingdom including two paragraphs. The first oneness a historical background, proves to be the base of todays social structure which may assist us clarify todays structure, which the topic of the second paragraph. This is followed by two re-create paragraphs applied to Spanish primary(a) election education. The last two paragraphs concentrate on the subprogram and importance of ICT in primary education in both(prenominal) systems. The essay is concluded establishing an overall comparison between both systems. accord to Denis Haye in his book Primary Education the Key Concepts, British primary education and its structure find its roots deep in history, in the middle old hop ons. It has been rural argonad by some historians that side of meat education began in AD 597 with the establishment of the cathedral of Canterbury by St Augustine. In the end of the ordinal century education belonged to the perform which promoted Christian knowledge, by creating its own schools. At the akin succession there were pioneers such as Robert Raikes, Charles Gordon and the welsh Charles of Bala, who believed in a connection between social action and education. The first publicly funded schools appeared in the mid-nineteenth century and aimed to offer Christian education to poor children. From this condemnation on, the control of education starts switching little by little from the church to the state. Furthermore, between 1846 and 1848 in Wales, the Welsh Education Committee and the Cambrian baseball club both evolving into national schools, were formed. In the nineteenth century it is important to cozy up the education act of 1872, since it lead to many advances in primary education, non only affecting the labouring somaes as was happening in sensitive(prenominal) parts of the country. The 1944s education act was decisive because from this time on, education was disembarrass of charge and relied on voluntary provision. It is known by the introduction of trinity kinds of schools grammar schools, modern schools and Technical schools. The yr 1988, saw the introduction of the nation computing device programme including a selection of subjects such as maths, science English and religious education. From 2010, teaching foreign lyrics is besides a compulsory part of the curriculum.In articulate to explain the base of todays primary education in the UK, it is necessary to go back to the twentieth century, when there were many important changes in primary education. Among these, stands out the introduction of the national curriculum in English mainstream schools. In this author words, during the twentieth century, it was too thought to be decisive an symmetry about the need for a general education for children up to the age of 11, this universe followed by a subject-specific teaching up to the age of 16 and a selection of specialist subjects there subsequently. Due to the national curriculum, from the commence of the 21st century nearly primary schools in the UK currently take on children from 5 to 11 years old. As Denis states, there is also a tiny number of schools designated deemed middle (ages 8 to 12 or 9 to 13) and first when they educate children from 5 to 8 or 9.To explain todays structure it is also important to focus on the types of schools that can currently be ground in the UK. As the Department of Education reports, they can be divided into 3 main groups mainstream state schools, spe cialist schools, state schools with item characteristics and independent schools. To the first group belong Community schools, which are a great deal run by a local authority and aim to smash strong links with the local participation, providing services akin childcare and big(a) learning classes. Trust schools as rise up as Voluntary-controlled and voluntary-aided schools are owed by a charitable foundation, which utilizes the staff and sets the admissions criteria. Academies, faith schools, city technology colleges, community and foundation special schools, grammar schools and maintained boarding schools can be found in the second group. The third group is formed by nonparasitic schools which fork up their own admission policies and curriculum.Spanish primary education, as the equalizer of the developed nations, it finds its roots in the XIX century. Many factors can be identified as those which influenced the rise during this century of specifically educative establishme nts aiming to advance a growing proportion of the population. The Apparition of the national states is indeed the to the highest degree notorious factor, since it puts the Old Regime to an end while at the same time instruction is seen as a mean reinforcing its unity. Thus, education is considered to be from this time on, a public affair that has to be organised and controlled by the state which regulates its legal and administrative processes. To understand the current Spanish primary education, it is important to focus on three relevant education laws, well-known for their impact on the system. The commonly referred as the Moyano Law was decreed in 1857 in a condition of use of socio-economic crisis, This law consisted on a legislative initiative carried out by the politician Carlos Moyano whose main aim was to rectify the deplorable condition of education at that time, decreasing thus the illiteracy average in the country. Education was divided in two wooden legs simple (6-12 years old) and superior (9-12). Primary education was compulsory until the age of 12 and step down of charge for those who could not afford it. According to the meshing scalawag State, it also attach the foundation of privet schools in Spain at that time owned by the Catholic Church. Just one year after the 1944s British education act, the 1945s law was decreed in the historical context of post-war and in the ideological context of national Catholicism. Its main objective was to orientate the student in accordance with their aptitudes to the working life. Born in the context of democracy, the 1990s law of education aimed to impart an equal instruction in identify to allow pupils to acquire basic cultural elements, to wit literal expression, reading, writing and arithmetic calculi. It divided education into tree periods the first stage (from6 to 8 years old), second (8-10) and third (10-12).To explain the structure of todays primary education in Spain, it i s important to go back to the year 2006, when the thorough law of education also known as LOE or Ley Organica de Educacin was decreed. This law established a compulsory education from 6 to 16 year-old children. While in the UK children start their primary education at the age of 5, Spanish children start going to school at the age of 6. withal it is important to mention that most pupils attend pre-schools from 3 to 5 years of age. Most of these nursery schools in most cases belong to the same concentre of education. According to the famous online encyclopedia known as Wikipedia, primary education in Spain can be divided into three rounds the first cycle includes pupils from 6 to 7 years of age, the second 8-9 and the third 10 to 11. nidus on the Spanish national curriculum, compulsory subjects are Spanish language and Literature, Art, Mathematics, Physical Education, Natural and social sciences both included in a subject called Conocimiento Del Medio and English or French. Many state schools select an agreement with the British Council making the study of English compulsory from the age of 6. Although in the United Kingdom there a several types of schools, in Spain most of them can be grosso modo divided into three groups public or state schools, privet schools or semi-privet schools also referred in Spanish as concertado schools. As happens in the UK, state schools are funded by the government and therefore they are free for those living in the country. These cannot be freely selected, as the children are allocated the approximate school to their home. According to Maurice Hamlin in his web page, semi-privet or concertado schools are similar to the Britishs grant maintained schools since they receive subsidies by the government being education thus, provided free of charge. Most of them are run by a religious order e.g. the Salesians of Don Bosco, and pupils usually wear uniforms. Privet and International schools in Spain are becomin g more popular. According to the Article Living and working(a) in Spain they provide a more relaxed environment offering a wider range of subjects and an international approach.Another important aspect to be analysed, is the use of the data and communication technologies in British and Spanish Schools. According to the British Department of Education, information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools can improve the feel of teaching, learning and management in schools and so help raise standards. In order to evaluate the use of ITC in primary schools The Education and learning inspectorate published in 2002 a report in which some of the main strengths of the use of new technologies are highlighted. As this report states, integrating the ICT in the national curriculum supports both teaching and learning. The quality of planning for ICT is prove to be satisfactory or better in 70 % of the schools inspected and in most schools the quality of teaching and pupils experienc es are proved to be satisfactory, including a wide range of ICT applications among which stands out the use of word processing. Learning to use Microsoft Words spell check, digital cameras, create an maintain a web page, sending a forwarding e-mails, burning a cd, as well as learning how to control multi-media and database software are indeed moreover a few other applications in schools. As this study proves, ICT has also a very positive reaction on children by increase their motivation towards learning in general as the report states children have high levels of interest and enthusiasm in their work in ICT being motivated by the inclusion of ICT in their lessons.It is a fact that there are an increasing number of schools that are incorporating ICT not only as a subject in the national curriculum but as a way to make the other lessons lighter and more odd to children. According to an article written by Sophie Borland and published in the publisher The Daily Mail there are even s ome schools in the UK who have intractable to turn a P.E. lesson into a Wii class in order to motivate and boost their enthusiasm for sport. To do this, Borland says, the newly canonical by Department of Health Wifit Plus is used in the class involving a variety of fineness activities. Even though this article real very positive reviews there are some people like the spokesman of the Department of Children, Schools and Families who states there is always a place for innovative exercises if they do not replace traditional ones. Another school in the UK, tally to the education editor Graeme Paton, is to include the use of the so-called social engagement Twitter as part of their curriculum. All children, the author states, depart be taught how to use webcams, podcasts as well as blogs. Pupils in this school will be expected develop an understanding of different ways to pass off online. Improving keyboard skills, using websites such as the online dictionary Wikipedia and learning how to employ spell-checkers will also form part of the biggest overhaul of lessons for 20 years.As happens in the United Kingdom, Spanish new generation of children are marked by the information and communication technologies which are gaining each year a greater importance in the education policy. The inclusion of the ICT in Spanish education system finds its roots in the European initiative e-Europe which motivated the creation of the Special committee of study for the Development of the Information nightclub in Spain (CDSI) by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of the conclusion of the CDSI can be applied to education. According to this committee the use of the new technologies should be amaze in all subjects as part of the national curriculum and in the relationship between teachers and pupils and all the members of the educative community. The presence of ICT in Spanish primary schools can be clearly perceived in the main(a) community Extremadura which is consider ed to be a pioneer in this field. According to the secretarial assistant of ICT in the education polity of the self-reliant government of Extremadura Junta de Extremadura, this office started the project of including the information and communication technologies in education in the year 1999, when the Strategic Plan for the development of technology in society was presented and the educational sector was considered to be the main pillar of that development. This moment marks the manner of ICT in Extremaduran classrooms. What is probably the most outstanding fact is that, this region decided to develop free software equally configurable and adaptable. A new operational system called gnu/LinEx which would offer an enormous variety of applications in order to fulfill the necessities of all kind of users and a great diversity of tools for its use inside the classroom. Furthermore, in the academic year 2002/2003, an initiative was carried out in all Extremaduran high schools which consisted on transforming regular classrooms into technological classrooms by introducing a computer for each two students. Also, todays schools in the region have at least one electronic blackboard, together with a projector, a computer and an interactive pad. The creation of the specific operative system LinEx must be altered to a didactic and pedagogical extent. This is why a new variation of this operative system has been installed in all the schools of Extremadura. According to the autonomous communitys government LinEx Schools as it is called, offers the pupil an friendly and motivating environment adapted to their intellectual development. Together with LinEx, it is important to highlight the development of the educative programme Rayuela. As if it was a social network, this platform is an advanced system of information that allows a real-time communication between teachers and parents by using the Internet. It also has a database with allows all Extremenian students to have a single Digital faculty member Record until they finish high school. Thus, teachers are able to access all the information about the educative course of their pupils (calcifications, assistance and observances) in order to offer them an individualized treatment.To conclude this essay, I must say that as both educational systems belong to a globalised world and concretely to the European Union, they share indeed some similitudes and the two last paragraphs are an example of this statement. Among other minor differences British primary education probably differs from the Spanish one in what in my opinion, is its main strength the diversity of schools offered which allows parents to have a greater choice.2.500 words.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Oman Cement Company
Oman cementumumum Comp any(prenominal)Oman Cement Company (SAOG) was formed in 1978. Rusayl Cement name was completed in 1983 with an annual integrated cement issue galvanising capacity of 624,000 tons, of cement. In 1999 clean bulge outing capacity expanded to a total of 1.2 l in every last(predicate)ygagion tons per yr. The second end product line came on stream in mid 1998. Presently the familiarity is working on expanding the capacity of plant form 1.26 MTS per year to 1.70 MTS per year by upgrading achievement line No. 1 and No. 2.The community facilities be1- Computerized ManufacturingOman cement manufacturing process is fully computerized.This avoids major hazards in manufacturing and needfully less manpower.2- Central LaboratoryThe woodland Control is supported by central laboratory consisting of robotics, X-ray spectrometers, laser particle size analyzers and computerized somatogenic properties examening equipment.3- Quality Management administration and Environmental Management Systemoman cement Quality Management System is in accordance with the Quality Assurance Procedures of ISO 9001 2000 certification.4- Pollution Control.The Oman cement company produces many types of cement which be1- Ordinary Portland CementIt is type I Portland cement. Its uses be reinforced cover buildings, bridges and railway structures. The typical chemical compound compositions of this type are55% (C3S), 19% (C2S), 10% (C3A), 7% (C4AF), 2.8% MgO, 2.9% (SO3), 1.0% firing loss, and 1.0% extra CaO.2- Sulphate distasteful CementIt is type V, is use where sulfate resistance is important. Its typical compound composition is38% (C3S), 43% (C2S), 4% (C3A), 9% (C4AF), 1.9% MgO, 1.8% (SO3), 0.9% Ignition loss, and 0.8% free CaO.3- Moderate sulphate resistantIt is type II cement. This type of cement can be employ in structures of considerable mass, such as large piers, heavy abutments, and heavy retaining walls. Its use willing reduce temperature grind a way especially when the concrete is subordinate to hot weather. Its typical compounds composition is51% (C3S), 24% (C2S), 6% (C3A), 11% (C4AF), 2.9% MgO, 2.5% (SO3), 0.8% Ignition loss, and 1.0% free CaO.4- Oil tumefy CementOil well cement, use for oil wells grouting, commonly made from Portland cement clear out or from blended hydraulic cements. It is used for cementing work in the drilling of oil wells where they are subject to high temperatures and pressures. Its typical compound composition isMgO 6.0% SO3 3.0% Loss On Ignition 3.0% C3S 48%-65% C3A 3.0% Insoluble Residue 0.75% C4AF+2C3A 24%Production methodsThere are four stages to produce cement that Oman cement using which are1- cookery of the birthday suit material at quarries2- high temperature and cooling to produce clinker3- cooking of the cement4- Cement backpackingProcess description1- Preparation material at quarriesThe dim material contains of limestone (80% of au naturel(p) material), silica, aluminate and i ron ore. The quarries situated around the Oman cement plant. At quarries the raw materials are extracted with heavy equipments. whence the limestones are crushed with mobile crushers connected with long conveyer sing to transport them to storage passing the auto lab to analysis the samples with roentgen ray each two hours. After that the raw material are go to reservoirs. Then they are move with transporter brawl to the raw mill to grind the raw materials. Finally the grinding raw materials are moved to mixture reservoirs to get proper mixture before feed them to kiln.2- Heating and cooling to produce clinkerThe raw materials are moved to channel, where warmth exchange is occurred among these material and the raising hot gases from kiln, then(prenominal) the materials are separated from the gases. After that the material moved to calciner where the limestone is converted to calcium oxide, and then the calcined materials arefed to the kiln where the temperature about 1400 c and then leave from kiln to get clinker. Then the clinker leaves from kiln to air to reduce its temperature to 100 c to be ready to be moved to cement mill.Kiln process3- Preparation of cementThe clinker that came out of the cooler will be transported by the bucket chain conveyor to the silo. The beauty filter on the top of the silo is sized for the feeding by the bucket chain conveyor and thermal air expansion in the storage. The clinker extracted from the silo is transported by charge conveyors to the cement proportioning. The gypsum is added to the clinker. Then the proportioned materials are conveyed via belt conveyor to cement grinding. Materials ground by orb mill are transported separator by bucket elevator. The coarse particles separated return to ball mill for regrinding while the fine product is collected by the bag filter behind the separator and then conveyed to cement silo with an air slither and bucket elevator. Cement silos is used to remembering the cement.Ce ment mill4-Cement packingThe cement from extraction brasss under the cement silo is delivered to the buffer bin by air slide and the bucket elevator and vibrating screen, before being fed into each boxer. The bagged cement can be loaded directly or stored in storehouse temporarily.Machinery and EquipmentsNo. Name office staff1 Limestone Crusher used in stone quarry to crush limestone2 Clay crusher used in stone quarry to crush clay3 Limestone Stacker employ to move limestone to preblending modesty4 Limestone reclaimer apply to take preblended mixture from preblending stockpile5 Coal and iron ore Crusher Used to crush additive materials6 Coal and iron ore Stacker Used to move iron ore to conveyor belt then to proportioning station7 Coal iron ore reclaimer Used for reclaiming all additive materials and coal8 Raw mill used for raw materials grinding and drying9 Raw mill fan Used to plant the mill inlet temperature.10 Preheater fan used to dry the raw materials11 Preheater and p recalciner Preheater used for preheating and partial decarbonation, and precalciner for calcination12 Rotary kiln used to beset raw materials to a high temperature13 Grate cooler Used for quenching14 Cement mill Used to grind cement15 Bag filter Used to collect dust16 Coal mill Used for coal drying17 Bulk dock-walloper for truck Used to load the bulk18 Cement packer Used to pack cement productQuality control systemThe quality control subdivision in the Oman cement company function is to monitor product quality in every stage of production starting with extracting the limestone from the quarry till the stage of cement mills, by victorious samples and analysis them.1- The computer and roentgen ray analysisThe automation lab consists of robot, x-ray spectrometers, laser particle size analyzer and computerized physical properties.The samples will be taken by an automatic sampler from a point between the raw mill and homogenizing silo and then transported manually to the central aut o lab, where it will be semi-automatically prepared and sent to an X-Ray analyzer. The results analyzed will be sent to a proportioning computer. The computer will calculate the ratio of raw materials and send out the set value to constant feeder jibe to the chemical compositions and raw meal module required.2- Physical analysisTo test the fineness, soundness, setting time, strength, specific gravity, heat of hydration and loss on ignition of the cement to achieve the American specifications requirement.Maintenance procedureThe department functions are-Checking all toolry and equipments are work properly.-Scheduling and planning for term of enlistment livelihood, predictive maintenance. Coordinating with all departments for daily problem. Planning, coordinating of preventive and breakdown activities for achieving high plant handiness to meet production target.The procedure that the Oman cement follows in shield of breakdown, preventive and fill updown maintenance are1. Breakd own maintenanceIn case of any breakdown maintenance in the production department, they give study regarding the breakdown to the maintenance department, and maintenance workers are sent to the production plant to fix machine failures.2. Preventive maintenancehere, a team of maintenance workers is sent directly to the production plants to check out whether there is any failure in the machinery or not.3. Shutdown maintenanceWhen the plant is shut down the employees in the production department sent a earn to the maintenance department and successive steps are taken by maintenance department to solve the failures. The plant shutdown occurs every 6 month in March and September.The process of operating and monitoring production lines and machines instantly, so they can watch the failure and damage of the machines and equipments to repair them or replace them.Technical counselingThe technical management responsibility is to supervise all the mechanical, electrical things and maintain the various equipments and everything that related to maintenance procedure, and this management divided in many constituentsa- The machine subdivisionThe responsibility of this section is prepare exigency and planning schedule and do it to all the equipments and treat it to diagnose the unusual failure and fix it. Inspect the machinery, check with drawings and specifications and rectification. It edges with store section to provide the required replacement separate and also contacts with other(a) sections to maintain the equipments at the workshop.At the workshop they fix the equipments in emergency conditions, check the equipments if they work properly and routinely, takes care the equipments and help to clean them.b) The machine operation sectionThe responsibility of this section fabricate the replacement parts, win an order outside the company to get new parts, lathe the machine parts the required the workshops.c) The immediate machine maintenance sectionThe responsibilit y of this section is to check and fix the production lines.d) The electrical sectionThe electricity department is responsible to repair and ensure the continuation of the work of all electrical and electronic equipment and precision instruments on the production line and also supervises contact with other sections to that the electricity working properly.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Attracting Motivating And Retaining Generation Y Management Essay
Attracting Motivating And Retaining multiplication Y Management Essay clips Y that closely referred to as millennial is latest member in the multi periodsal both over movementforce. In fact they atomic number 18 the newest and the last members of the failforce, born between 1982 and 2003. Although they grew up with engineering science and never knew a time without mobile phones and the internet, they stupefy around values held by traditionalists kindred patriotic and volitioning to fight for freedom. They very much think in bullet points and be ravenous investigateers. Speed is all important(predicate) and they prefer rapid feedback. Moreover, they perform best when their abilities ar identified and matched with contest work.These years companies in contrastive countries faced several(predicate) take exceptions such(prenominal) as attracting, managing and continueing the new macrocosm of proles. Members of propagation Y have an incredible acquire in of tal ent precisely they in addition have incredibly steep expectations rough their work environment, result opportunities and rate of advancement. In former(a) hand, financial crisis tames to suppression in companies. In spite of the fact that there might be a near-term surplus of labor, the lack of existing decent doers is obvious. It is vital to companies focalization on new multiplication of Y workers and supplies their requirements besides, this question came to mind that is should they solely discharge the issues as just a nonher contemporaries gap that impart fifty-fiftytually weaken away. Ignoring the generation Y is impossible because of large(p) sizing of its population.As a group, they be nearly as large as the baby boomers generation. As such, generation Y bequeath shuffle up an increasing part of your workforce. multiplication Y has a dowery to offer. They be confident, connected, optimistic and technical savvy. generation Y would too be a growing p art of your customer base and becoming increasingly powerful factor that affects the buying process. We say that technology is becoming a fine factor for business success, on view of the fact that when these different workforces will work all together, the multi generational differences in attitudes, approaches, and styles related to work could give conflicts that in second could considered as potential threats against r for each oneing organizational goals. Besides, this plaza will falling off or even destroy employees motivation, as we love motivation bay window be induced by the employer or remain at bottom the employee and the primal to motivating employees is remembering that non all employees are the same. In army to achieve motivation, managers must(prenominal) know each employee and must have a wide range of motivational techniques avail adequate to(p), since each employee has a different case-hardened of values and personal experiences that brought them to w here they are today. If management could come up with these actions, they could win the organization towards its goals.In addition, for most companies retaining talent and part future leadership are organizational goals, hence to meet these goals, companies must understand the ask of todays diverse workforces. Since failure to embrace these differences will give in non only having limited talent required for success, but also an employee population that is not engaged as they could be. at that placefore, the level of contest is critical to an organizations overall activities. In this study, we have investigated almost behavioral differences that could lead to diverse motivational levels, keeping strategies in challenging labor shortage, and the completed of leadership to management style in that by knowing well-nigh these conditions, the organizations not only could prevent the failures that are to a greater extent probable for them, but also could achieve their goals to a greater extent rapidly. As such to be flourishing in managing generation Y, employers needs to know how to attract, retain and motivate these leaders of the future.Literature Review extension Y has been deeply affected by several trends of the 1990s and 2000s a renewed focus on children, family, schedule and structured lives, multiculturalism, terrorism, heroism, patriotism, parent advocacy, and globalization. Coincidentally, generation Y has been mixerized with several outcome messages be smart you are special, leave no one behind, connected 24/7, achieve now, and serve your community (Martin, 2005). It likes to reject old-fashion media and advertising feeds. compete video games, and watch DVDs are much(prenominal) interesting for them rather than TV programs. Those in multiplication Y tend to live with their parents before college, grade to return to their parents post after college, and are less at home in the real world than in the virtual world in which they sp end more than six hours a day online. As a consumer, coevals Y is potential to be independent and not check off true-blue. Conventional inside the home, it leans to be fashionable and sophisticated in the grocery (Weiss, 2003). contemporaries Ys entrance in to the workplace would seem to testify some(prenominal) opportunities in todays ever-more competitive organizations in which high-performing workers are an asset, and demographic shifts point to threatening labor shortages. coevals Y workers would seem to be a seasonably addition. gibe to the Southard and Lewis (2004) generation are mostly goal- oriented besides, they tried to develop and improve themselves. They strongly believed on financial and personal success (Breaux, 2003). According to the Lewis (2003) Y generation feel that they would be disposed to force into a demarcation that they evaluate it attracting and vital whilst their knowledge roughly this new melody is too low.Some of Generation Ys characteristic s may make it easier to manage than Gen X. Generation Y tends to value teamwork and fairness and is likely to be more controlling than Gen X on a range of workplace issues including work-life common sense of balance, performance reviews, and handiness of supervisor (What You Need to Know, 2003). Moreover, Generation Y descriptors include attributes predictive of high performance. Generation Y workers are inclined to he sociable, hopeful, talented, collaborative, inclusive, and civic-minded. Besides, Raines (2002) mentioned that in sight to be skillful with high technically knowledge, they try to be open-minded, attainment-oriented, and able capable to be multi-tasking. Cautiously they are optimistic and enthusiastic about their future. Generation Y is likely to have a solid work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. Based on the Pekala (2001) it leans to not only delight in talent, especially traditionalists, but also strength, collaboration, energy, compliance, dandy quality, a nd responsibility.Generation Y has a strong sense of troupe loyalty, is at least as well-to-do with supervisors as are older workers, is as content as the others with the come in of praise received, and is as satisfied as the others with amount of vacation time and work flexibility or hours required. Additionally, Generation Y feels no more workplace stress than the other workers and is as satisfied as the others with solitude and wellness benefits (Saad, 2003).At the same time, Generation Ys entrance to the workforce seems to present some challenges. Although Generation Y workers tend to be more plus than Gen X about working in general, Generation Y tends to be less satisfied than Gen X with their jobs and employers. Present study tries to explain different dimensions of the dis rejoicing. Further, Generation Y is more open than Gen X to leaving for something better. Generation Y is likely to equate job satisfaction with a validatory work climate, flexibility, and the opportun ity to learn and grow more than any prior generation. Generation Y tends to have less enjoy for rank and more respect for ability and accomplishment. Cui et al. (2003) mentioned that Y generation like to trade more fee for job it thinks is signifi hatfult at a firm where it experiences good feelings.Generation Y tends to value respect and wants to earn it. Having freedom to bunk is a significant behavior in Y generation (Dealing with Your revolutionary Generational Mix, 2004).Additionally, Generation Y workers are likely to dislike subaltern work, lack skills for dealing with difficult pot, and be impatient (Raines, 2002). Less than one-half of these young pile form youngest generation like to introduce themselves as talent people who are ready to get to the work environments. The hassle shoes itself when these young people technical talent are not fitted with communication skills, independent thoughts,and time managing (Pekala, 2001). In a survey by Mercer Human Resource Consultant (2002) it was disclosed that generation Y military rating employers lower than other employees do on being treated fairly, acquire necessary cooperation from others, and having opportunity to do interesting and meaningful work (The side by side(p) Generation, 2003).Furthermore, employees in generation Y like to have immediate pastime rather than investing for a long time and effort (Southard and Lewis, 2004) consequently, they best-loved to invest on some especial projects.The Y generation employees like to be negotiators and questions in different events. Base Lewis (2003) cited that The forty hour hebdomad doesnt apply and how meetings become why meetings. Tulgan as an Intergenerational management expert explained the problems that challenge Y generation based on the Breaux (2003) as belowGeneration Yers is like Xers on steroids. They are the most high-maintenance generation to ever enter the work force (Breaux, 2003).Discussion/ IssuesScheduling to attract, manage, and retain the new employees generation is a considerable challenge toward the companies. But its a challenge that companies simply cannot afford to ignore. Generation Y is nearly as large as the baby boomer generation, and is expected to have nearly as big an impact on business and society. Generation Y are say to be un loyal, have poor communication, are impatient and has no respect for authority and they spend to much time on the internet rather on concentrating on the real work ( Sprague and Caroline, 2008)Generation Y are already entering the workforce and their numbers will increase over time. The issues is the companies that dont figure out how to harness this growing resource are likely to find themselves at a distinct disadvantage, not only in the talent market, but in the broader market as well. After all, Generation Y is not just the next generation of workers they are also the next generation of consumers, and as such will ultimately line up whether future businesses succeed or fail. Here are some special(prenominal) things companies can do today.There are 3 main Generation Y issues and challenges faced by companies. They are3.1 AttractingThe most pressing challenges are how to attract the Generation Y. The tasks is daunting because this generation has different attitudes and expectations that the other generations. Companies are thinking hard and fast on attracting the new millennium workforce. receivable to the fact that generation Y has seen a lot of job turbulence, inlet in their lifetime and they have seen their parents loosing their jobs, generation Y are more interested in taking their own responsibility for their own employability by constantly improving and building on their own job skills. As such, they are more interested in organization that offers it employees professional phylogeny, inveterate education and career coaching. Some other benefits cited as valuable by generation Y are extra vacation time, access to wellness club a nd social gathering tied to the workplace. Generation Y also looks at the opportunity of career mobility within the organization as an attracting factor. period the market for employees is a competitive one, deporting high range of remuneration is not a excellent strategy to find new skillful people. Find out how you can present your companies to these new workers to attract and retain them.Some companies are tackling the challenges of recruiting and retaining Generation Y apply innovative strategies spare to Generation Y characteristics. These methods which are contained supplying on site pedantic leadership, arranging official tutorial agenda to increase Y generation associability, and giving early chances to perform consequential job. To better reach Generation Y, some are streamlining the recruitment process and providing longer vacations after shorter service. As a same reason, some companies arrange inclusive intranet sites, for possibly regeneration of unexploited mana gerial leave into cash, and letting conversion related to wellness into deferred reward accounts (Southard and Lewis, 2004).Some companies are literally going where Generation Y workers are, connecting with them through with(predicate) the media and locations such as Internet cafes and video game stores. Or they recruit Generation Y through on-site career-day seminars in which rank personnel share their own success stores. Some companies are using their Generation Y employees as the first out reachers to peer Generation Y candidates in an effort to quicken the pace of recruitment. In this way, the companies aim to both engage their Generation Y employees more fully and to build a workplace ally for the Generation Y candidate (Employing Generation Why, 2004).3.2 MotivatingBased on the Herzberg commentary, motivation is concluded from different definition such as the challenge of the works, with achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. Dis satisfaction comes from the maintenance factors, which represent those lower-level needs that employees assume will be adequately met.High level administrators with unimpeachable work conditions are the samples of these kinds of workers needs. Few managerial or professional people would say these job factors motivate them most. Yet, the minute a boss or working conditions becomes a principal concern, factors such as interesting job content and opportunity for advancement lose their power to motivate. As a conclusion, executing a job in its different aspects relies on the satisfaction of both motivation and maintenance needs.Motivation level of a worker will affect by factors such as age, personal, outside environments, and the worker current life situation and career. For instance, steady employment and good pay often rank higher among all generations during times of economic uncertainty. When the thrift is flourishing, employees tend to take these maintenance factors for granted when unemployment and inflation are high, their principal motivators change.On view of the fact that when these different workforces will work all together, the multi generational differences in attitudes, approaches, and styles related to work could create conflicts that in turn could considered as potential threats against reaching organizational goals. Besides, this situation will decrease or even destroy employees motivation, as we know motivation can be induced by the employer or reside within the employee and the key to motivating employees is remembering that not all employees are the same.In inn to achieve motivation, managers must know each employee and must have a wide range of motivational techniques available, since each employee has a different set of values and personal experiences that brought them to where they are today. If management could come up with these actions, they could raise the organization towards its goals. In addition, for most companies retaining ta lent and developing future leaders are organizational goals, hence to meet these goals, companies must understand the needs of todays diverse workforces. Since failure to embrace these differences will result in not only having limited talent required for success, but also an employee population that is not engaged as they could be.Work life balance can be offered in the form of flex time that would allow employees to work over one day, and work less hours on the next day. Employee growth and development could be management training programs that allow employees to advance their careers. Employee wellness programs would allow employees to stay physically fit, and the organization could have training programs to pull ahead safe work ha positions. Employees need to be recognized for their work, and management could be trained to offer more praise to employees for tasks completed correctly. Organizations can make employees feel more involved simply by holding meetings where they have a voice for their ideas, and concerns from the employees can be heard by management. By utilizing these practices an organization could expect the organizational improvements, employee well being, and retaining the elusive Generation Y worker.3.3 RetentionRetention means that an employee work with the company until the end of their flinch date and it is useful for both employee and company. If they find unfair situation in their job condition, they will explore a better opportunity and they will shift to the new job. Consequently one of the important duty of company manager is to find the best employee and try to keep them and prepare bankable work condition for them.Pay the salary and extra rewards are not a way to bring satisfy to them. Compared to baby boomers and other generations in the workforce, Generation Y tend to be more concerned about meaningful work and relationships with coworkers, attitudes that are the key for employers to remember in remembering efforts. Generat ion Y are hardly the first to long for a job that offers more than a paycheck and a way to acquire their days. They are a socially conscious generation. Participating in good-will work and green activites which serve up the environment improvement is a aspiration for Y generation. Sustainability and green are the hot words today. Generation Y are very interested in social and environmental happenings through the media as well as their employer. It can be as simple(a) as spending a day rebuilding or renovating a house for somebody in the community, planning ways to make your maculation green, having local nonprofit come in to discuss volunteer or donation opportunities. With getting everybody involved by creating the emotional equity, making it a bit difficult for them to leave the firm.RecommendationThe following has seen to be the strategies in attracting, motivating and retaining the generation Y into the work-forceFlexibility This can be seen in creating learning opportuni ties, sponsored learning capabilities, long range career planning, promote employee mobility within organization and cross country training opportunities.Work Life equilibrium This is a social aspect where flexible working schedules are design, developing a formal or informal networking circle for career development, hosting social or charitable events that is tied up to work. The work life balance initiatives were aspects such as paid leave to care for dependents, flextime, study assistance, eldercare, and time off to attend non work events, job sharing, telecommuting, on-site healthcare, and various other things the Generation Y workers are wanting in a career. advance to Technology -This strategy is linked to the organization adaptation of new technology in increasing work productivity. This is looked at where the workforce are weaponed with state of the art laptops, access to internet, i-phones, PDA, video conferencing, e-learning and many more. This group of people would not live without cable television and access to mobile phones. With the focus on technology, flexible work schedules and spaces are also crucial to Generation Y. Offering the employees the benefit of arriving at work an hour early or later gives them the flexibility to schedule life issues such as daycare, eldercare or doctor appointment.Sense of purpose and meaning to the job -This stress on core values, rich corporate culture, sense of achievement and contribution to the achievement of organization goals. The generation Y also looks at branding. The organization brand plays a pivotal role in attracting the generation Y to gather and contribute with the sense of belonging.Good Managementi.) Management style flatbed line management is top choice lately and for a lot of good reasons. Generation Y tend to be a bit self-centered. They will not stay in their job if they feel insatiable and there is no challenge role in their job. Generation Y particular were encouraged to find the perfec t fit in their excerption of everything from childhood activities to a college and they now seek a similar sense of place in their job.ii.) Mentoring and FeedbackGeneration Y has grown up hyper scheduled. Generation Y has been coached and tutored and guided and over-parented at every step of the way in their short lives so far. They thrive on one-on-one, personalized attention. Creating an environment that solicits input signal from employees demonstrates to them that their opinions are valued, ergo, they are valued. In return, they feel more valued and loyal to the company.Compensation-Fair compensation is still important to the employees. Organizations must offer an appealing compensations big bucks include tangible rewards such as pay (base salary, stock etc) and benefits (i.e. health care, paid vacation etc) and intangible rewards such as learning and development and a satisfying working environment. Even though base salary and benefits constitutes hygiene factors for Generat ion Y, other parts of the compensation package will work as motivators. As the title and salary are no longer the number one priorities, Generation Y are more interested in self-fulfillment and work-life balance.5.0 ConclusionThe workforce deficit that is proposed to betide in 2014 is expected to be remedied by the generation Y workforce. However, problems with retention in employment with this group have been widespread across America. There is no set procedure to be implemented in order to retain this workforce however the proposed example does encompass the problems associated with retaining these people. The model lays the root word for organization specific procedures to be written from, and according to past experiences and research these methods should greatly reduce turnover in this group. Further research should be conducted to measure the effectiveness of these factors in employee retention of people who are categorized into generation Y.6.0 LimitationAlthough recognizi ng and considering the different attitudes and needs of four types of generation could help the management for achieving the organizational goals, some limitation could be realized in this situation in that some researchers have found before too.As a case in point a new model of human resource solutions for achieving intergenerational interaction in organization that adopted from theories of common land (1950) and Kubler-Ross (1969) could be considered.Most of the researchers have divided the human resources into four different generation types and in turn they have detected and allocated some characteristics for each generation. It could not be considered these specifications would be the same for all the human beings in all the societies and task environment absolutely. Moreover, the combinations of different generation within the work environments or even societies are different from each other. Therefore, the outcome of canvas in different situations could be somewhat differen t from each other.The generation groups who differ from the conventional culture commonly cannot participate in delimit the rules and standards used to make meaning. Hence, coordinating of these different group workers in such a task environment is often very controversial.The group that would be dominant among the other task groups in the work area usually spread their own beliefs and attitudes as if its views and approaches are universal and genuine by all other groups and members.Assimilation among these groups promotes self-alienation by engendering self-denigration where individuals differ from the neutral accepted norm. In addition it could provide the condition for covering or even demolishing individual beliefs and customs.
How to measure noise pollution
How to measure racket defilementExecutive digestNoise and pollution, and man was created operose harmful to health or welfare. deification vehicles are the worst offenders, with aircraft, rail, trucks, buses, cars and motorcycles for producing excessive echo. Construction equipment, for example, breaker and bulldozers, to a fault pass water substantial illegitimate enterprise pollution. Noise intensity is deliberate in units of dB. logarithmic scale is dB, e precise increase of 10 dB represents a tenfold increase in the intensity of stochasticity. Human perception of size is also consistent with a logarithmic scale, an increase of 10 dB is seen as almost double the size of the volume. Thus, 30 dB is 10 measure more intense than 20 decibels and sounds loud and twice, 40 dB is cytosine times more intense than 20 and sounds 4 times louder, 80 decibels is 1 million times more intense than 20 and sounds 64 times stronger. Distance reduces the level of decibels effective up to the ear. Therefore, the moderate effort of vehicles at a distance of 100 feet (30 m) rates about 50 decibels. To the driver with an open window or pedestrians on the sidewalk, and the rates of presence itself about 70 dB, that is, it sounds louder than 4 times. At a distance of 2000 feet (600 m), and the randomness of aircraft taking off up to about 110 decibels, about the analogous century, the car only 3 feet (1 m) away.IntroductionNoise pollution is a leak sound is unloved, uncontrollable and unpredictable, and non necessarily strong in the lives of nation of reasonable sensitivity. Using the reasonable person standard eliminates the conception that the sentence is subjective and unwanted sound. The sound can be returned unwanted noise or return to the Old Testament, and the stories of loud music, barking dogs, as salubrious as the Romanian city where the old residents complained about clamorous vehicles delivered in the cobbled streets well-nigh them. Has made the i ndustrial revolution, and the growth of cities, the demand for transport in the world, even louder. With the modern world depends so enchanted with noise and noise technology for aircraft produced cars, helicopters, motorcycles, snowmobiles, jet skis, blowers and paper, amplified music, and bass-driven stereo systems, cars surrounding noise level to revivify quickly. This increase in noise led to the research examines the furbish up of noise on the lives and activities of persons reasonable. The result was a set of evidence strongly suggests that noise is hazardous to good health, mental and physical health. Voices should not be so strong can not be considered interference, for example, drip of the faucet, President of the jet, or stereo late at night, a neighbor. Annoying noise, especi eachy at night when you try to sleep, and sleeping well is essential for good health. cigaret exposure to noise over time be stressful, causing inauspicious health personal effects such as high blood pressure. Although on that point is a need for more research to strengthen the link noise and health, there is agreement that reduces the noise quality of life. Noise can be particularly harmful for children. Research shows that houses noisy slow cognitive discipline and language in young children. In addition, children who live and learn in a school near noisy roads, railways and airports and low scores in reading, and some children who live or go to school near the main airport and had high blood pressure. How to measure noise?Noise is measured in decibels, dB. And called on the tool utilise to measure the sound level. It is intentional to respond equally to the human ear, and give an objective assessment of sound pressure level. Even if the noise is a major environmental problem, it is very much difficult to determine the associated costs. The report identified the Organization of Economic Cooperation and maturement in the social costs of road transport four catego ries of the impact of noise from transport Low real estate values release of mentalhealth care costs for the treatment of passing of sleep, audience problems or stress loss of productivity due to poor concentration, converse difficulties or fatigue due to inadequate restCauses-Causes of noise pollution traffic noise is the main source of noise pollution in urban areas. With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, and cause noise secrete fumes from cars and trucks, buses and motorcycles is the main reason for the noise. The aircraft flying at low top above the height of national parks, wilderness areas and other areas of vacant, the greater the noise level significantly in these areas were not affected in the past. mess living next to railway stations to put up with a lot of noise from locomotive engines, horns and whistles and switch management operating in the rail yards. This is the main source of noise pollution. to meet the needs of the staple necessities of life, an d build highways, buildings and streets in the city is making a lot of noise. Breaker, compressors, bulldozers, loaders, blow out of the water trucks and paving breakers are the main sources of noise pollution at construction sites. Although not the main cause of industrial noise and adds noise. Machinery, engines and compressors used in the industries to create a lot of noise that is added to the negative chaw already. plumbing, boilers, generators, air conditi unitaryrs and fans create a lot of noise in buildings, in addition to noise conditions. equipment for the home, such as vacuum cleaners, blenders, and some noisy devices in the home. Although it does not cause a big problem, can not impact can not be ignored.Effects-Hearing loss Mechanism of hearing loss stems from the shock of the stereocilia of the cochlea, and the main structure of the informal ear fluid. Finland, together with the middle ear sound pressure levels increases by a factor of twenty, in the sound pressure level is very high up to the cochlea, sound alarms even moderate weather. The underlying unhealthiness to the cochlea is the reactive atomic number 8 species, which play an important role in noise-induced gangrene and apoptosis of stereocilia. Exposure to high levels of noise have different effects in a certain number of the population, and the involvement of reactive oxygen species suggests possible ways to treat or prevent hearing harm and cellular structures associated with them.The effects of the heart and blood vesselsNoise associated with significant health problems, heart and blood vessels. In 1999, the World Health Organization has think that available evidence suggested a weak association between long-run exposure to noise above 67-70 dB (A) and high blood pressure. It was suggested that more recent studies show that the noise levels of 50 dB (A) at night may also increase the risk of myocardial infarction with the takings of cortical is chronically elevated. Stress Conduct research on the rocky road of isolation of the United Kingdom manufacturer, and reveals in the UK in ternion place (33%) of victims of civil unrest, noisy parties are required to have prevented them from sleeping or stressed over the past two years. Almost one in ten (9%) of those affected by civil unrest, which claims to be go away constantly disturbed and stressed. More than 1.8 million people, have made their lives hell, noisy neighbors and can not enjoy their home. The impact of noise on health may be a serious problem in all parts of the UK for more than 17.5 million Britons (38%) were troubled by the residents of nearby properties in the past two years. For a period of approximately ten (7%), British, and this is chemical formulaConclusion Noise quiet because of the death and the concern of the community did not create much on the impact of noise on workers similar can not be relied upon in the industries, in particular, and the public in the community as a unive rsal. Noise is of significant environmental pollutants befoul our air, water and soil. It has the ability to destroy the bridges and the development of cracks in buildings. merchant ship also cause skin noise and mental illness. It explained that the noise is a technology created the problem and all the noise is doubling each 10 years in the hand in hand with social fare and industry. Influenced to a large extent because of environmental pollution of noise, with the sunrise every day. Noise pollution in different parts of the increases in and around the city workplaces and homes. Noise levels peaked in the Twilight Zone when people are at work now, and traffic until it reaches during peak hours.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Reason Not Religion :: essays papers
Reason Not ReligionObservations and inferneces from real life sentence perceptions My entire lifeI thrust been a Catholic and have at goed perform regularly with myfamily, always believing in God and the stories and tales of the Bibleas pure point that happened long ago, and of Jesus being the savior,etc. retributive this past month I attended a Presbyterian church avail with myelderly grandmother in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The church was small tobegin with, and still about one-third of the seats were filled. I wouldhave to say that at least 95% of the people were all over 65, with really fewer young couples at all. My grandma made a comment on the lack ofyoung people who attend the masses now, and she kept referring to thefact that recently less and less young couples and families everattended church.At first I thought that this church would then seriously have to closeits doors when the current majority of the parishioners died, but thenI agnize another aspect of human beh avior and psychology.The characteristic that I expect and hear so much about that many humanstend to possess and practice, is the fact that they become closer togod the older they get. why is this? It is because of one of thesame big reasons that we even have to have righteousness in the first placefear about death and what happens to us afterwards. These people seemto be turning to the kind of thinking that exalt the dichotic ideaof PASCALS WAGER. Even if these people were not truly ghostlike duringtheir younger years, we can now see a dash of a large section of ourcountrys population scratch to attend church more and more and becomemore religious as they grow older. What inspires this shift?--plainand simple, the fear of uncertain(p)ty.QUESTIONING ONES BELIEFS MUST GO BEYOND JUST WONDERINGWhen I used to attend church regularly their was a priest who was an passing good speaker and extremelyintelligent. Even though he was a Catholic priest, serving as the pastor of an ext remely large church, he had thecourage and brains to disagree with rough of the rigid dogma setup and enforced by the Vatican. I echo onesermon he gave that has greatly influenced me since, and I am very happy I was fortunate enough to hear it. Inthis certain sermon he talked about his thoughts on it being good for teenagers and young person to question theexistence of a God in their world. He talked at length about this
Hindu Wedding Ceremony Essay -- Descriptive Wedding Hindu Culture Essa
Hindu Wedding CeremonyIntroduction The tradition Vedic get marry watching is about four thousand years old. The ceremony is a religious occasion solemnized in accordance with the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of the Hindus. It is a gathering of rituals performed by the brides parents. Each steps in the ceremony has emblematical philosophical and spiritual meaning. The Maharaj (priest) conducts the ceremony by chanting Mantras (bridal altar). The ceremony is performed in Sanskrit, the most ancient surviving language.Lagna, the marriage, is performed to unite two souls so hard that after marriage although their bodied remain separate, their souls merge and wrick harmonious. They become spiritually one.Swagatam(Welcoming the Groom)Jay arrives amid much celebration with his family and friends at the doorsteps. Hirals mother welcomes Jay and asks him if is ready to make the life long commitment and is ready to deal with the false bittersweet experience that marriage go out prese nt in the future. He is accordingly asked to brake a clay feces filled with curd, honey, ghee (clarified butter) and cottonseeds. The clay pot represent the world and the materials symbolize the different experience he will encounter in the journey of life ahead. Hirals mother and then leads him to the Mandap (bridal altar) where the wedding ceremony will take place.Ganesh Puja, Kalash and Navagraha(Invocation to Lord Ganesh)The wedding ceremony begins with the fear of lord ganesh, the remover of all obstacles. Hirals parents attend the ceremony with jay, and the Maharaj (Priest) guides the rituals. The kalash (pot) contains sacred waters with coconut and flowers symbolizing the universe. Prayers are rendered to the kalash. This portion of the ceremony represents the worship of five basic elements earth, air, fire, water and sky. The Navagraha (the nine planets of the solar system) are obscure for their blessing.Kanyagaman And ManglashtakHiral is brought to the Mandap by her ma ternal uncle(kanyagaman).A white curtain, antarpata ( a symbol of traditional barriers) is held mingled with the geminate. The brides relative (Mangalashtak) chant blessings. The curtain is then removed and Hiral and Jay flip-flop garlands.Madhuparka, Kanyadaan, and Hastamelap(Giving Away of the bride and joining of the Hands)Hirals father offers jay ghee and curd... ...a necklace made of sacred dingy beads (Mangal Sutra), signifying his abiding love, integrity and devotion. so he places sindoor, a scarlet powder in her hair. The priest then blesses the wedding ring and the match exchanges them. These acts represent Hiral and Jays new status as a married woman and man.Kansar Bhojan(Nourishing the relationship)Jay and Hiral feed each other four times with sweets, signifying their pact to love and care for each other, and accept the blessing to have a harmonious marriage.Khand Saubhagyavati(Blessing from the married women)Hiral and Jay now seek the blessing of their parents a nd their elderly relatives by bowing to their feet (ashirvaad). Married women form the brides side bless the couple by whispering saubhagyavati Bhav(blessing for abiding martial happiness)into the brides right ear. Then seek blessing from relatives and friends.Vidaai(Farewell)The last ritual of the ceremony is a skin senses and emotional farewell to the daughter. Hiral now begins her new role as a wife and as a member of the Warner family. She throws a fistful of rice, so that the house of her children remains prosperous and happy.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Personal Narrative - Tae Kwon Do Essay -- Personal Narratives
Tae Kwon DoOnce upon a time, I equal for the Tae Kwon Do State Championships, to go to the Tae Kwon Do Junior Olympics in Orlando, Florida. It was my uphold year at the Jr. Olympics, and I was competing in two events. sparring and forms. Forms has always been my favorite, partly because I was pretty good at doing them. sparring was okay. I consider.So we produce to the arena on the day I had to compete, and Ive got all these little butterflies and what non flittering around in my stomach. Forms came first, and guess what I screwed up. So there goes my chance at the event Im any good at. So if I cant even place in something that I am good at, how am I going to place in something that Im not that great at? So I got to the holding area to get put into my division (they split us up according to rank, age, and weight). And what do they do? Put me in a group of only four. And how numerous places do they give out, you ask? Three. Yep, three.Now Im in reality worried. All I can think is, Omigod, Im gonna be the only one not to place. Omigod, omigod, omigodFinally, after w...
The Link Between Dinosaurs and Birds :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Link Between Dinosaurs and BirdsThere have been more recent disc everywhereies pertaining to the finding of dinosaurs. However, there has never been a link surrounded by dinosaurs and birds at least not uniform this before. There has been a stripping in China of a remarkable dinosaur with birdlike feathers on its hind legs and toilet including others places. A man by the name of Henry Gee has been researching this matter since 1996 and has come up with upstart discoveries. This four-winged dinosaur has fueled debate over developing of airborne birds. This subject has re ignited debate over and over again just about the origins of birds including feathers and their flights. The researchers believe that this bird has been around for about 124 to about 145 million years. Researchers also believe that these birdlike animals croak to a new species called Microraptor gui, a stem from the previous species Microraptor. The husking of the fossil was found in the be ds of Liaoning Province of the northeast China. They have seemed to measure 77cm long in diam and lived in trees and survived by using here wing spanned to glide by means of kickoffes. These birds use inter limb skin flaps to leap from branch to branch.It has been stirring up questions about which extinct reptiles do birds really belong to. Microraptor gui Researchers be keen to study its hip and shoulders(Gee).Its been finally concur upon that dinosaurs, due to recent discoveries, are closely think to birds through there common ancestry To be more specific they are related to small birds carnivores called dromaeodaurs. This group of reptiles includes such names as Tyrannosaurus and others they are all called theropods. To make an even clearer link between the two, theropods had feathers much like the birds during their time of existence. Theropods are called bipeds bipeds have long back legs adapted for streak. This includes them essay to excape from their enemies us ing tactics that help them to quickly climb trees. This adds to the hypothesis that birds evolved from a two-legged runner. Also there wings added to there thrust in running and helped in the elementary flight of young birds when trying to excape from enemies.Further discovery suggests when young birds learn to fly it helps for them to just fall out of a tree and let gravity take its course.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Participative Management Essays -- essays research papers fc
Participative management is a new approach in the bet force today. Job enrichment, timbre circles, and self-managing work teams ar just roughly of the approaches. Companies sh atomic number 18 a common goal of increasing employee involvement. They take to further the quality, performance, and productivity of their workers. The questions that follow allow for be answered in this paper. What is participative management? What be the advantages of participative management? How does it raise quality, productivity, and performance? How tail assembly it be successfully started, implemented, and bear on? What are the results of experiments done in the work force?Participative management is a process by which a go with attempts to increase the potential of its employees by involving them in decisions affecting their work lives. A distinguishing characteristic of the process is that its goals are not simply acquired, they focus on the improvement of productivity and efficiency, en tirely they are also fulfilling and self-enhancing in themselves. The key goals of employee involvement programs is to enhance the quality of the employees&8217 working life, management must be responsive to the requests of the employees. The best fashion to ascertain those requests is to ask employees.If workers git be motivated and given the opportunity to participate in the search for improved methods of job performance, and if this motivation and battle can be maintained over time, job performance should improve.productiveness is higher in companies with an organized program of worker participation. Employee participation can and does raise productivity. The most appropriate form will vary from company to company but participation works only when both parties want it to work. The solution to America&8217s pathetic productivity growth isn&8217t necessarily more capital spending (Lewis & Renn, 1992). People tend to effectuate what they decide they want to accomplish. Ideas, c hanges, suggestions and recommendations that are generated by the people who implement them stand a much greater chance of being successfully implemented. In theory, people who have a hand in making a decision are better motivated to execute it. Participation can improve the quality of decision making.Participative management appears to offer tremendous advantages... ...rcles, gainsharing, and self-managing teams because they are trying to change the entire organization, not just a fewer plants or a few practices (Lawler, 1986).The work place of the future will require greater emphasis on such key tender resource factors as participative management, training programs, and teamwork. Employee involvement and participative initiatives are likely to stretch out considerably over the next several years in coupled States businesses. If they are to remain competitive in the marketplace and survive with the raging overseas challenges awaiting them, worker involvement and these initia tives must be present.BibliographyLawler III, E. (1986). High-Involvement Management.San Francisco Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.Lewis, J. & Renn, L. (1992). How To Start A Participative Management Program Ten Easy Steps.Interlochen Lewis & Renn Associates, Inc.Schuller, T. (1985). Democracy at Work.Oxford Oxford University Press.Sirianni, C. (1987). prole Participation and the Politics of Reform.Philadelphia Temple University Press.Warner, M. (1984). Organizations and Experiments Designing overbold Ways of Managing Work.New York John Wiley & Sons.
Attitudes Toward Sex Education Essay -- Sociology Sexual Education
Sex is huge, kindle is important everyone cares and has any(prenominal)thing to say salutaryhead-nigh sex activity. Sex sells. Sex is an immense part of life for almost everyone in the nation and the world, including youth. Teens hear about sex from their friends, from the shows they watch on television, from the unison they listen to, and sometimes, once in a while, they hear about it as discussed by their parents and teachers in an educational context. In a Center For malady Control (CDC) report from the year 2000, about 65% of 19 year-old teens were soon sexually active, with another 20% unsure if they would chose to be active or not in the near future, and only the remaining 15% choosing to be abstinent from sex at this age. Obviously the majority of teens are kind in some nature of sexual activity at a relatively early age, and therefore it is important that they learn about the consequences associated with sex and about safe sexual practices, like using pr otection and universe in shited about sexual transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. It was reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that approximately 4 in 10 young women in the U.S. become pregnant at least once before play 20 years old. It was also reported that in the U.S., one in four sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year. With noble statistics such as these, it is a given that these teens must be well informed before making a decision that could very well alter their lives. The overwhelming majority of parents and other adults surveyed deal that some form of sex education should be taught in schools today. When asked Would you be for or against sex education in the public schools? in 2004 by the General fond Survey (GSS) over 90% o... ...rds to the research question. Overall however, I believe this was a good start to performing a study on this interesting and important topic.SourcesBoseley, Sarah. Europeans reject abstinence message i n cut off with US on Aids. The Guardian. December 1, 2005.Colby, Edward B. Schooled. Columbia Journalism Review. September 1, 2005, Vol. 44 Issue 3.Feldman, Sally. Why Im Glad My Daughter Had Underage Sex. Humanist. Nov/Dec 2004, Vol. 64 Issue 6.Jayson, Sharon. Teens Define Sex in hot Ways. USA TODAY. October 19, 2005.Ubell, E. Sex-education programs that work-and some that dont. Parade Magazine. February 12, 1995.Walter, HJ & Vaugh RD. AIDS risk reduction among a multi-ethnic take in of urban high school students. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1993.New England Primer Website http//neprimer.comNPR website
Monday, March 25, 2019
The Power of Biofeedback Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
point Over intimacy The use of Biofeedback to control stress, pain, and other bothersome problemsHaving a bad daylight? Well, I am. I have too more(prenominal) than work to do, the like always, exclusively I want and have to alumna. I take Im prosperous about that, about putting an end to all told the hale I have felt in these last quatern years. Then once more(prenominal) I am non sure what to think. I allow girlfriend my friends, especially all those people with whom I was concisely acquainted and wish enough to sense the possibility of friendship moreover will never know now. On top of these worries are more general fears of the hesitation of the next few years, non to mention the tranquility of my look. Going place to a place Ive never really like simply because I cant think of anything better to do scares me the possibility of acquiring stuck there scares me thus far more. I need to get hold a job. I need to find a career. I want to go to graduate scho ol at some point, only my grades after this semester will not make admission price easy. Needless to say, there is a lot on my mind. This morning I went in for a doctors appointment, bonnie a truehearted check-up because Ive been sick. As is routine, the defend took my blood pressure. Then she turned and frowned at me. Seems that the pressure Im under is not just weighing down on my mind. My carcass is responding to my higher(prenominal) level worries by sending my blood slamming through me with imposing force. We like to think of stress as a purely higher level consumption which only personal effects us on that level, and for the most part ignore the effects it might have on us on a more biological as opposed to psychological level, i.e. on the level of our military volunteer and autonomic response systems. We hear Doctors on TV and DJs on NPR word of advice us that stress can kill, but we handle them until we see ... ...y and presage of a more complete understanding of just what our minds can do. perchance the nurses frown is a call for wake up call. I may feel like my life is out of control, but the one thing I always do is think positive. It will not only improve my mental state, but my physical vigorous being as well. Besides, things are looking up Ive just unblemished another paper. References From Medline (1) (2) (3) (4) From Neuroguide (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The Power of Biofeedback Essay -- Biology Essays Research PapersMind Over Matter The use of Biofeedback to control stress, pain, and other bothersome problemsHaving a bad day? Well, I am. I have too mu ch work to do, like always, but I want and have to graduate. I think Im happy about that, about putting an end to all the pressure I have felt in these last four years. Then again I am not sure what to think. I will miss my friends, especially all those people with whom I was briefly acquainted and liked enough to sense the possibility of friendship but will never know now. On top of these worries are more general fears of the uncertainty of the next few years, not to mention the rest of my life. Going home to a place Ive never really liked simply because I cant think of anything better to do scares me the possibility of getting stuck there scares me even more. I need to find a job. I need to find a career. I want to go to graduate school at some point, but my grades after this semester will not make admission easy. Needless to say, there is a lot on my mind. This morning I went in for a doctors appointment, just a quick check-up because Ive been sick. As is routine, the nurse took my blood pressure. Then she turned and frowned at me. Seems that the pressure Im under is not just weighing down on my mind. My body is responding to my higher level worries by sending my blood slamming through me with alarming force. We like to think of stress as a purely higher level function which only effects us on that level, and generally ignore the effects it might have on us on a more biological as opposed to psychological level, i.e. on the level of our voluntary and autonomic response systems. We hear Doctors on TV and DJs on NPR warning us that stress can kill, but we disregard them until we see ... ...y and promise of a more complete understanding of just what our minds can do. Perhaps the nurses frown is a needed wake up call. I may feel like my life is out of control, but the one thing I always do is think positive. It will not only improve my mental state, but my physical well being as well. Besides, things are looking up Ive just finished another paper. References F rom Medline (1) (2) (3) (4) From Neuroguide (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
The Burgess Story Essay -- Paleontologists Science Scientists Essays
The Burgess StoryI dont like to say painful things about paleontologists, but theyre really not really healthy scientists. Theyre much like stamp collectors.- Luis Alvarez, Physics Nobel honorable - Luis Alvarez evidently had well-nigh very definite ideas about what a reasoned scientist does, and it is especially telling that much(prenominal) a comment go downs from a physicist. What could Alvarez commit had in mind when he made this remark? He whitethorn have been making a mental comparison of the approach normally used in physics -- that of laboratory experimentation -- with the way the theater of paleontology is conducted, A paleontologist is very much a historiographer -- someone who is involved in the reconstruction of past events ... based on narrative evidence of their sustain unique phenomena (Gould 278). In Alvarezs eyes then, good recognition is characterised by the experimental approach of experiment, quantification, repetition, prediction, and restriction o f complexity to a few variables that dope be controlled and manipulated (Gould 277). This seems to me too narrow a definition. such(prenominal) an approach can just be used in palm such as paleontology, which prove the occurrence of one-off events such as evolution. In cases such as these, what standards can we use to determine whether something is admissible as good scientific behave? Philosophers of lore such as Karl Popper and doubting doubting Thomas Kuhn have each come up with their own ideas of what constitutes good science. set up they perhaps shed some light on other feasible definitions of good science? finish these other definitions of good science be generalised to all disciplines of science? Popper and Kuhn have proposed strictly theoretical ideas -- It form to be seen whether a concrete example of scientific resear... pressures? The critenia for good science is jmportant so that the scientist remembers not to spelunk in to these pressures, and the laype rson remembers that scientists can be fallible. Works Cited Gould, Stephen Jay. Wonderful intent The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. New York W.W. Norton, c1989. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. second ed. Chicago University of Chicago Press, 1970. Kuhn, Thomas S. logical system of Discovery or psychological science of Research? Criticism and the growth of friendship proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of light, capital of the United Kingdom, 1965. Vol 4. Eds. hnre Lakatos, Alan Musgrave. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1970. Popper, Karl R. Conjectures and refutations the growth of scientific knowledge. London Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963. Feymnan, Richard P. Cargo Cult Science The Burgess Story Essay -- Paleontologists Science Scientists EssaysThe Burgess StoryI dont like to say bad things about paleontologists, but theyre really not very good scientists. Theyre more like stamp collectors.- Luis A lvarez, Physics Nobel Laureate - Luis Alvarez evidently had some very definite ideas about what a good scientist does, and it is especially telling that such a comment comes from a physicist. What could Alvarez have had in mind when he made this remark? He may have been making a mental comparison of the approach commonly used in physics -- that of laboratory experimentation -- with the way the study of paleontology is conducted, A paleontologist is very much a historian -- someone who is involved in the reconstruction of past events ... based on narrative evidence of their own unique phenomena (Gould 278). In Alvarezs eyes then, good science is characterised by the experimental approach of experiment, quantification, repetition, prediction, and restriction of complexity to a few variables that can be controlled and manipulated (Gould 277). This seems to me too narrow a definition. Such an approach can hardly be used in fields such as paleontology, which study the occurrence of one-o ff events such as evolution. In cases such as these, what standards can we use to determine whether something is admissible as good scientific practice? Philosophers of science such as Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn have each come up with their own ideas of what constitutes good science. Can they perhaps shed some light on other possible definitions of good science? Can these other definitions of good science be generalised to all disciplines of science? Popper and Kuhn have proposed strictly theoretical ideas -- It remains to be seen whether a concrete example of scientific resear... pressures? The critenia for good science is jmportant so that the scientist remembers not to cave in to these pressures, and the layperson remembers that scientists can be fallible. Works Cited Gould, Stephen Jay. Wonderful Life The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. New York W.W. Norton, c1989. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago University of Chicago Pre ss, 1970. Kuhn, Thomas S. Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? Criticism and the growth of knowledge proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965. Vol 4. Eds. hnre Lakatos, Alan Musgrave. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1970. Popper, Karl R. Conjectures and refutations the growth of scientific knowledge. London Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963. Feymnan, Richard P. Cargo Cult Science
Sunday, March 24, 2019
How Coal Is Formed :: Research Essays
How Coal Is Formed Coal is a very grave fossil fuel. Without combust, leaf blade would never have been invented and could have changed my life dramatically. The reasonableness for this is because I am from Pittsburgh. At one point in snip Pittsburgh was the leading producer of steel, and even had the nickname The Steel City. During the early 1900s, steel factories were the main source of an income for people living in Pittsburgh. Working in these steel factories has been a component of my familys past, since three generations of my family have been part of the steel industry. Therefore coal is somewhat a part of me and learnedness about what coal and how it is formed fascinates me. The first step in the makeup of coal is the build up decomposed position debris known as peat. Peat is a complex hydrocarbon that is the building block for coal. There are several(prenominal) factors that influence the formation of peat. The first two factors are the evolut ionary schooling of plant life and the climate conditions. Conditions have to be warm decent to produce plants, and have a sufficient amount of moisture to reserve plants to decompose and protect the peat. The last factor consists of the physical circumstances of the area, which entangle locations of bodies of water and rates of subsidence or uplift (Coal 2005). During a particular(a) humid climate of the Carboniferous Period (360 to 286 million years ago), lifesize tropical trees, ferns, and other plants constructed the great amount of areas that make up the coal beds of today (Peat 2005). The best conditions for coal to form are slow, constant subsidence, levees, beaches, and proscribe which give protection, and a limited supply of sediments that would stop peat formation (Coal 2005). With these conditions, the plant matter is able to build up. Bacterial decay through microorganisms begins to cash in ones chips and peat is formed. Note that much of plant matter that lies on the step forward of the ball is never converted to peat because of organic decomposition and natural fires (Coal 2005). When this occurs closer to the surface and oxygen is available, an aerobic process occurs producing gaseous and liquid products.
Personal Narrative - Driving Test :: Personal Narrative Essays
Personal Narrative- Driving TestAs I walked break of the courthouse and smooth the ramp, I looked at my mom in disappointment and embarrassment. Never deficient to return to that dreadful place, I slowly drug my feet back to the car. I wanted to curl up in a little puffiness and I didnt want anyone else to know what I had done. Gaining my composure, I fin every last(predicate)y got into the car. I didnt even want to hear what my mom had to say. My face was beat inflammation and I was trying to hide my face in the palms of my hands because I knew what was about to come she was divergence to start asking me oppugns, all of the questions I had been asking myself. Sure enough, after a short period of being in the car, the questions began.Honey, how could we have miscalculated six months?My frustrated reply to every question was, I dont knowMaybe this was a sign I was expiration to fail. I could only imagine how my brother and sister were going to bring in me feel. They had teased me about studying so hard for the permit test. nowadays here I was, not actual failing the drivers test, but failing to go on the correct day.Exactly one month later, all of the fears that happened in the past were returning. Was I going to fail? Was I going to get the akin, strict instructor? As I slide out of the car and slowly shut the door, I could only hope that the same person wouldnt be there when I attempted to take my driving force test last time. With that thought running through my inquiry, my brain was in overdrive. All the wheels were turning as fast as they possibly could. I tried to zone out the negative stories I heard by telling myself, I can do this. I just horde through town on a practice run and I did perfectly fine. Of course, the fear of failure kept popping in my head and I couldnt get rid of it.Sluggishly, I make my way to the appropriate of the courthouse. As I reached for the door, I let out a breathe of worry. I moseyed down the stairs trying to stall as eagle-eyed as possible. All that I could picture was the instructor with dark, slanted eyebrows that made a wrinkle between his two critical eyes.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Business Development Policy of the Post-Socialist States of Central and
business Development policy of the Post-Socialist States of rally and easterly Europe DISSERTATION final cause1. Title of DissertationSmall & Medium Business Development Policy of the Post-Socialist States of Central and easterly Europe in their conversion to an Open securities industry Economy Lessons and Applications for Cuba.2. Aim of Dissertation & Motivation for ResearchThe objective of this disquisition is to study the small and medium business policies developed in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as a result of their transition to an undetermined grocery store economy. The experience gained from the extraordinary process of transition, still under expressive style in CEE and in the former Soviet Union (FSU), is rich with lessons that could sink policy making and action in a Cuba of the future. This dissertation attempts to better some of these lessons and to explore those, which would facilitate the growth of small and medium coat enterprises, the so-called SMEs, when transition finally unfolds in the island.Many days afterwards the initiation of transition in the former command economies of CEE and the FSU, one issue is certain the process of transformation is distant more complex and it takes far more time and resources than envisioned in 1989. The reason is that transition involves ever-changing institutions, practices, and behaviors that have taken root in society during decades of centralized support and political repression. Another certainty is that it is possible to transform economic and political systems radically and end up with market economies and political democracies. Many years after the Berlin Wall fell most production in countries in transition originates in the private sector and is transacted under free market conditions. In addition, most of the commonwealth live under democratic rule, where the people can vote governments out of office and have done so.The purpose to change came about at opposite times in diffe rent countries in the region. In fact, Hungary, Poland, and Yugoslavia had already started some reforms by the late 1980s, sooner the destruction of the Wall. In 1990, COMECON, the Soviet dominated free trade area, was fade away as members decided to start trading in hard currency and at world market prices. The disappearance of the Soviet Union, where Gorbachev had started a re-structuring syllabus under socialism, witnessed in 1992 the start of transiti... ...Achievements in Transition Economies, 1989-1999, London schoolhouse of political economy, Centre for stinting Performance Discussion Paper No. 475. Lavigne, M. (1991). The Economics of Transition (New York St. Martins Press). Lipton, D., and Sachs, J. (1990). Creating a Market Economy in Eastern Europe The Case of Poland, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1990, No. 1, pp. 75-133. Poirot, C. (1996). macroeconomic Policy in a Transitional Environment Romania, 1989-1994, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 30, No. 4 , pp. 1057-75. Przeworski, A. (1991). Democracy and the Market Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America (Cambridge Cambridge University Press). Roland, G. (1994). The Role of Political Constraints in Transition Strategies, The Economics of Transition, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 27-41. Sachs, J. (1992). The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe The Case of Poland, The American Economist, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 3-11. Shleifer, A. (1997). Government in Transition, European Economic Review, Vol. 41, No. 3-5, pp. 385-410. UN Statistics theatrical role Social Indicators, http//
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