Saturday, August 31, 2019

Iron Crowned Chapter 15

I had two immediate reactions to this. One was that Dorian could wait around forever; he had no right to demand anything of me. My other reaction was outrage that he could come traipsing into my home when I was banned from his. Admittedly, that was my own fault. I hadn't put down any hospitality rules to keep him out. As such, he'd be welcomed like any other non-enemy monarch – particularly by my people. I considered simply sending Volusian to revoke hospitality but then tossed that idea aside. I'd take care of this myself. I drove out to the gateway by my home as fast as I could without getting a ticket and then crossed over to the anchor inside my castle. Once there, I hurried through the halls, oblivious to servants' startled stares. I knew where Dorian would be. My people would have received him in the nicest chamber, the one befitting any visiting monarch. Sure enough. Dorian sat inside the parlor, lounging in a central chair with Shaya, Rurik, and others sitting around him. He looked like he was holding court in his own castle. My anger doubled. Everyone except him jumped up at my sudden approach, giving hasty bows. â€Å"Out,† I snapped. â€Å"All of you. And shut the door.† My words left no question about who exactly I wanted out. Dorian didn't move, but the rest scurried to obey my orders. I saw Shaya and Rurik exchange looks with each other, no doubt worried what was going to happen with the two monarchs they loved. Once we were alone, I turned on Dorian. â€Å"What the hell are you doing here?† He regarded me coolly, face perfectly at ease. â€Å"Visiting, as is my right. There's nothing that says I can't. Unless you're revoking my hospitality?† â€Å"I should,† I said, stepping forward with fists clenched. â€Å"I should have my guards throw you out on your ass.† He snorted and absentmindedly smoothed a piece of his long hair. â€Å"Good luck with that. They'd throw you out first, if I gave the order.† â€Å"So that's why you're here? To start a rebellion in my own kingdom?† â€Å"No. I'm here to remind you of your responsibilities to your kingdom – since you've clearly forgotten.† â€Å"Really?† I crossed my arms across my chest in an effort to stop myself from doing something stupid. â€Å"I think you've forgotten what I've done for my kingdom. Say, like, saving it from disaster. And risking my life for that fucking crown so that we could finally have peace.† â€Å"If memory serves, you caused that disaster when you created an inhospitable desert.† His voice was still damnably calm. â€Å"And that crown is doing you no good.† â€Å"Didn't you hear me? We have peace. The fighting's stopped.† â€Å"The fighting's temporarily stopped. Katrice is playing you, and you're letting her. She's dragging her feet, using this negotiation delay to figure out a way out of this. If you really want to end the war once and for all, you need to get involved and let her know you're serious. Wave the crown around. Dare her to call your bluff. Show her you're in control and stop all of this for real.† I gave a harsh laugh. â€Å"That's so typical of you. Attempting to pull the strings, as usual. You don't even have the crown, but you're telling me what to do with it.† Dorian shot up from the chair, smooth features breaking into annoyance. â€Å"I am remembering what it means to be a king. I'm not running away and letting others deal with things that seem too hard.† â€Å"Right,† I said, keeping an eye on the distance between us. â€Å"Getting the crown was easy. Which is why, of course, you were right out there with me.† He narrowed his eyes. â€Å"You know I would have if I could. So I did the only thing I could: I got you out there after it.† â€Å"By lying!† I exclaimed. I tried to keep my voice strong, letting anger be the only emotion to slip, but grief cracked me a little. â€Å"By creating an elaborate set-up with Masthera in the hope I'd seize more land for us. Why do you not see how wrong that was?† â€Å"Was it?† His volume was starting to match my own. I'd so rarely seen emotion seize him, and it was both terrible and beautiful. â€Å"Do you think our people think it's wrong? The ones whose homes are no longer in danger? The ones who are alive because of this? The crown bought that, and you're going to ruin it all if you don't force her into talks! Not only that, by not acting, you're letting what Leith did to you go unpunished.† â€Å"Oh, he got punished,† I said. â€Å"Yes,† agreed Dorian coldly. â€Å"By me. Something you seem to have forgotten, now that you've jumped back into bed with that animal.† â€Å"Kiyo isn't part of this. And what you did isn't enough to obligate me to stay in a relationship with someone who constantly deceives me.† Dorian turned away, putting his back to me. Somehow, this was more insulting than all the glares in the world. â€Å"I can only assume this is human logic. Achieving peace by bending the truth is deceitful. The greatest sin in the world. But infidelity is moral and just.† â€Å"It's not! And I wasn't – I didn't cheat on you. As far as I was concerned, we were through. I was free to do whatever I wanted.† â€Å"Obviously.† I didn't want to show any weakness in front of him, but the thing was, part of me still questioned if having sex with Kiyo back in the forest had been right or not. I'd even felt conflicted at the time. I'd let my impulses win out, using muddled logic to satisfy both my lust and need for revenge. â€Å"Look,† I said, trying to calm myself down. â€Å"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings – â€Å" He spun around so sharply that my words dropped. I didn't fear Dorian, not with my power and in my home, but something in his eyes made me step back. â€Å"Queen Eugenie,† he said formally. â€Å"Don't trouble yourself over my ‘feelings.' Replacing you in my bed isn't that difficult. You have too high an opinion of yourself in that regard.† Those words slapped me in the face, despite all the reasonable parts of my brain screaming at me that it didn't matter. I had no reason to care what he did. No reason to care about him. â€Å"So,† I said, matching his tone. â€Å"Ysabel has a place to sell her skills again.† â€Å"Very good ones,† he agreed. â€Å"The question now is if you're going to use yours. Put Katrice in her place. Get her to negotiate so that we can get the concessions we deserve. Stop acting like a human.† â€Å"I am human. You keep forgetting that.† He studied me up and down, giving me the opportunity to do the same to him. You don't care, you don't care, I told myself, trying to push aside how much I'd loved that gorgeous face. â€Å"No,† he said at last, contempt in his voice. â€Å"It's impossible to forget. You're acting like one now, refusing to do the right thing just because I've asked you to. You're being contrary out of spite.† He strode toward the door. â€Å"If you don't act soon, you'll regret it.† I didn't like him being the one to end this conversation. It was more of him always having the power. â€Å"Are you threatening me?† Dorian put his hand on the door's handle and glanced at me over his shoulder. â€Å"No. I'm not the threat. Katrice is. And while you keep going on and on about how much I've wronged you and lied to you, I can say with absolute certainty that what I've just told you is the truth.† â€Å"Noted.† Hastily, I made an attempt at acting like the queen around here. â€Å"You can go now. And don't come back.† That earned me a half smile, though there wasn't much humor in it. â€Å"Are you revoking my hospitality?† I hesitated. â€Å"No. I'm above that. I'll just assume you'll do the right thing and stay the hell away from me.† â€Å"Noted,† he replied, imitating my earlier tone. He opened the door and walked away without another look. I stared at the empty space where he'd been, wondering who'd come out on top of that argument. By the time I emerged and found Shaya, Dorian had already left my castle for his own lands. She asked nothing about what had transpired with him, but worry was written all over her face. â€Å"How close are we?† I demanded. â€Å"How close are we to sitting down with Katrice and writing up a treaty?† Shaya paled, and I realized I had turned my anger at Dorian on her. â€Å"Not as close as I'd like. She agreed †¦ she agreed she'd come in person, but only if the talks were held in the Willow Land. Queen Maiwenn has agreed, but Dor – King Dorian says that's unacceptable. He suggests the Linden Land or the Maple Land. Katrice refuses.† Linden and Maple. Kingdoms both staunchly neutral. Maiwenn theoretically was too. She'd always put on the pretense of friendship, and I was certain Kiyo would endorse her hospitality. But something about it made me uneasy. I didn't want to support Dorian †¦ but then I realized that instinct came from exactly what he'd warned me of: wanting to oppose him just out of spite. Our personal mess aside, he was my ally. Neutral ground was best for us. â€Å"Reiterate Dorian's stance,† I said. â€Å"Linden or Maple. I'm going back to Tucson. Let me know what happens.† Shaya opened her mouth, to protest or beg for help, I couldn't say. Dorian's words came back to me. Get actively involved. â€Å"Wave the crown† and make Katrice agree to our terms. No. On that, I wouldn't agree with him. I wouldn't use that crown like he wanted me too, even as a threat. â€Å"That'll be all,† I told Shaya. She nodded, obedient as always. The look on her face as I left made me feel a little guilty. Maybe I could make things easier for her. Maybe I could expedite all this. But for now, there was literally no harm being done. What could Katrice's stalling achieve? If she began hostilities again, she ran the risk of facing the crown she obviously feared. My people were safe. The waiting was frustrating, but it had to end soon. I'd told Dorian I was human, and that's what I intended to be. I would go home, start following up on jobs, and let the gentry deal with this red tape until I was absolutely needed. And that was exactly what I did. I returned to my old life. Kiyo and I continued dating, and being with him, reestablishing our old connection and sex life, went a long way toward blocking out images of beautiful, voluptuous Ysabel in Dorian's bed. My workload increased – as did my income – though my jobs tired me out more than I was used to. That scared me. It made me think about what it meant to be human and gentry. I'd fought to keep my human side dominant. Was the gentry part taking over? Stunting my shamanic abilities? No, I firmly decided. This was stress, pure and simple. In the two weeks that followed, though, I had to concede to my gentry side occasionally. The Thorn Land called to me, so I continued my quick visits, keeping the land strong and – no matter how much I hated to admit it – strengthening myself. Unfortunately, I took little joy from that because no good news ever came from the Otherworld. Katrice kept switching back and forth. Yes, she'd agree to the Maple Land – no, she'd changed her mind. Linden. But only if ambassadors went first, then the monarchs. No – she'd go. But it was back to the Willow Land. Or maybe some place altogether different? What about the Palm Land? Dorian made no attempts at direct contact with me, but there was no need. When I went to bed each night, I could see his face. Wave the crown, wave the crown. Fortunately, my aggressive workload tired me out enough to fall asleep quickly. Good news of sorts finally came one day when Kiyo and I were out hiking. The temperature had shot up, heralding spring, and I'd welcomed the break from work. Traipsing through the wilderness was something Dorian would certainly never do – especially in the desert. But like me, Kiyo appreciated the rugged beauty and heat of the land. I'd missed these excursions with him. His eyebrows rose when my cell phone rang. â€Å"You can get a signal out here?† â€Å"Apparently.† I was as surprised as him. Looking at the ID, I saw Enrique's name pop up. His recent reports, after that brief surge of promising news, had been clipped and vague: simple reminders that he was still working on things. I answered eagerly. â€Å"Please tell me you've found something.† â€Å"I have,† he said. Enrique had that smug tone from when we'd met. It had been annoying then, but now, I found it encouraging. â€Å"I finally tracked down the gun dealer and – â€Å" I didn't hear the rest because a sudden drop in the temperature and tingling in the air heralded Volusian's arrival. Apparently, I could get an Otherworldly signal out here too. My minion's orders to report all urgent news trumped whatever Enrique had to say. â€Å"Hey,† I interrupted. â€Å"I'll call you back.† â€Å"What the – â€Å" I disconnected, not giving him a chance to finish his outrage. He probably wasn't used to being hung up on. I turned to Volusian, who waited patiently and silently for me. He was a spot of darkness on the sunny day; he seemed to suck away the light of the world. â€Å"Please,† I begged. â€Å"Please tell me Katrice has finally given in, so that we can talk.† Volusian stayed silent a few moments. I swear, it was for drama's sake, and I felt like choking him. â€Å"No,† he said. â€Å"The Rowan Queen has not agreed to negotiations yet, although †¦ she has acted.† Kiyo and I exchanged looks. There was no way this could be good. I was also pretty sure Volusian liked delivering this news. â€Å"She's kidnapped your sister,† he said. â€Å"And has a list of demands to be met, if you want to see Jasmine alive again.†

How People Give Up Rights When Using an Airline

Many people modern day use airlines as a form of transportation. To be able to use this service passengers must have their bags and personal belongings checked by the airline. Airlines do this for the safety of their passengers and to ensure that no catastrophe happens during flight. But when this is done are passengers giving up their rights? Is it right for someone to go through your personal belongings? Or is this procedure only for security reasons? What rights do airplane passengers give up by allowing themselves to be checked before boarding? When Someone travels with an airline they must have their baggage checked before boarding the plane. Some people feel that this invades their privacy and that it is not necessary. Why should the airport check my personal belongings? Why cant they just pull up your criminal record or just check your pockets instead of checking everything? Some alternative plans is to take your bags and keep them in a secured part of the plane so there is no risk. And some airlines may even make you pay additional fees for these baggage checks meanwhile they are for your safety. Some airlines like Allegiant charge you $35 for your first bag. (â€Å"Airline baggage fees† 2) And how many people only bring one bag to the airport? Your second bag is $35 , and then any additional bags are â€Å"Subject to additional fees†. And all of this is paid for on top of your flight. Now shouldn’t it be an option to pay for safety? Does the airline even care about your safety or are they just trying to make more money? Collectively, airlines made approximately $3. 4 billion in baggage fees last year (â€Å"Airlines bagging big money† 1). Some people believe that airline just do this to make more revenue. Even though air ports are forced to check your baggage by the FAA (â€Å"Air Carrier Operations Bulletin† No. 1-94-10) people believe that the airline should not charge you extra and that the whole concept of being charged for baggage is stupid. Instead of being charged separately for baggage airlines should just include the price for baggage in the airline ticket. (â€Å"Clayton† 1). Other people seem to think that baggage fees are just a hidden fee that airlines use to try to get more money (â€Å"Most Obnoxious Hidden Airline Fees† 5). These people agree with the theory that one flat rate baggage fee should be included in the airline ticket. And as the Lehigh Valley Newspaper, The Morning Call says, â€Å"The recent measure of baggage checking at airports for bombs is a blatant disregard of a person’s privacy. Why should we stand for this, when our founding fathers fought to prevent things like this from happening? †. The person who wrote this article seems to be disregarding the fact that if it were not for this law of checking baggage that every time someone were to board an airplane they would be in danger. Imagine if every time someone boarded an airplane that that person was in danger. Modern day children go on airplanes for vacations with their families. Even if our founding fathers did try to prevent this, if this procedure was not done thousands of people every day would be in danger every day in the united states. Now even if this procedure is for the people’s safety, should the people be charged so the airlines can follow the law? Other articles regarding this subject state that when someone travels through an airline they loose their second amendment right. When people use an airline service their rights are not taken away but restricted, and for the safety of themselves and others. The second amendment, protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms (weapons). Many people argue that when boarding a plane that weapons such as knives and guns are not allowed to be brought on a plane during flight. Those people are wrong. It is one hundred percent legal to bring a gun or knife on board of a plane, with some rules of coarse. As stated in the article, â€Å"Traveling with Special Items on Airlines† from TravelSence you can bring a gun on flight as long as, 1. The gun is in part of your checked baggage. 2. the firearm must be unloaded and in a secure hard side container. 3. The owner of the firearm must be at the screening or the item and provide the combination or key to open the secure container containing the firearm. 4. ant and all ammunition must be placed in fiber or packaging specifically designed to hold ammunition. And 5. The ammunition must be in the same container as the unloaded firearm. As long as when traveling with a firearm you follow all of these procedures you can legally bring a gun with you while traveling with an airline. Once again these rules might restrict your rights as an American citizen but they do NOT take away your rights as an American citizen. And there is also rules with sharp objects such as knives. The only rule that there is on these items is,1. It can not be in carry on luggage and it must be securely wrapped to prevent injury. So once again it is one hundred percent legal to bring a weapon with you while flying with an airline service. Also if someone fells that having their baggage checked is taking away their rights that is also not true. The FAA (a government-run organization) enforces these rules and regulations for the airline passengers safety and for no other reason except for the passenger’s safety. Also by having these rules enforced by the government they can not possibly eliminate your rights as an American citizen (although they might restrict them temporarily). And concerning the rule for having baggage checked, it is up to the airlines to charge you for your bags. Some airlines like Jetblue offer your first bag of luggage for free and every extra bag has additional fees. So depending on which airline service the customer uses the cost for baggage check differ so when people complain about baggage fees they should look in to different airlines and see if any airlines offer cheaper fees or no fees at all (â€Å"Airline baggage fees† 5). The theory that baggage fees (if there are any) should be included in the ticket for flight depends on personal preference and one of the reasons why airlines do not charge the baggage fees in the ticket price is to try to hide additional fees from their customers (â€Å"Most Obnoxious Hidden Airline Fees† 5). And even though that may not seem right it is not taking away any rights that a person might have under American citizenship So, even though when someone travels with an airline service it might seem that it takes away their rights given to them in the declaration of independence, it really does not. The most traveling with an airline service does to your rights is restrict them. And the one and only reason that this is done is for the passenger’s/customer’s safety. The question here is, what rights do airplane passengers give up by allowing themselves to be checked before boarding? And the answer to this question would be, airplane passengers do not give up the rights given to them by being an American citizen. But if someone considers their invasion of personal privacy a right than they could possibly be giving up their rights (even though airlines do not save keep any information about your personal information on file).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Islam and Women Essay

If a woman is married and her husband is niggardly, the wife has the right to take of her husband’s property without his consent, to satisfy her own and her family’s reasonable needs. Also, if a woman was comfortably maintained as a daughter, then as a wife, she is entitled to the same economic standard of living if her husband can afford it. Employment Islam gives the woman the same work rights as men, so long as her important role as a mother and a wife is not neglected. The sacred role of a wife and mother is paramount and indispensable to society. Without her, the future generation would lack the healthy moral conscience that is needed for the success and stability of any individual and community. Professionalism, hard work, and loving commitment are the natural skills that a woman as a mother, imparts. However, Muslim women are free to pursue employment if they are able to, and with the agreement of their husbands if married. History is witness to Muslim women’s contribution to civilisation in various professions such as teaching, medicine and other fields. Inheritance Islam gives the woman the right of inheritance whereas in some cultures, women were considered themselves objects to be inherited! The woman is allotted a share of inheritance and this is hers to retain and manage – no one can lay any claim to it, including her father or her husband. Allah says: â€Å"Unto men [of the family] belongs a share of that which parents and near kindred leave, and unto women a share of that which parents and near kindred leave, whether it be a little or much – a determined share. † (Ouran 4:7) Generally, (but not always), her share is one half the man’s share. The woman is her own â€Å"manageress† in Islam; in discharging her responsibilities, she fully enjoys the fringe benefits that her position offers while her independent decisions and duties are accountable to Allah. Indeed, throughout history, the integrity, chastity and maternal role of Muslim women has attracted admiration from even the most impartial observers. For it is only Islam that covers the woman with the robe of modesty and crowns her with the bonnet of purity, providing her with the unique opportunity to contribute comfortably to society. What Grace and Mercy the Beneficent showers upon the woman! For every joy experienced and every effort made, willingly and lovingly on the Path of Allah’s Pleasure, the woman, just as the man, receives the same good-tidings of the happiness and delights, that are ever-flowing from Allah. â€Å"Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to him We will give a new life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such, reward according to the best of their actions. † (Qur’an 16:97)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Motivations of War Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivations of War - Assignment Example The inefficient manner in which search operations for Osama-bin-laden was carried out showed that the American government’s interest lay elsewhere – namely the oil rich Iraq. The supposed presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of the authoritarian Iraqi leaders Saddam Hussein is also proven to be a fabrication. Hence, the real motivation for the ongoing War on Terror operations seem to be to secure strategic material interests of the United States. In this process, the consequences for Iraq/Afghanistan civil society and its local economy is given scant regard. We could analyze the War on Terror operations within the framework of ‘Just War’ theory presented in the book â€Å"The Origins of War: Biological and Anthropological Theories†. Admittedly, the 9/11 terror strikes were heinous acts that cannot be justified under humanitarian principles. The 9/11 attacks were not an attack on the United States alone, but on all of human civilization. Continuing in this vein, one could argue that the threat posed by networks such as Al Qaeda is potentially as big as that of totalitarian rulers of the past, including Hitler and Stalin. Hence, it won’t be illogical to equate the ongoing military engagements of the United States to its major confrontations against Nazism and Stalinism. (Dowd, 2009) But those state apologists who make these claims do not make a serious effort to justify the War on Terror with the conditions laid down by the Just War theory, most likely because the case is a weak one. The invasion and occupation of Iraq is a breach of several of the Just War conditions, the most blatant of which is the numerous civilian fatalities that the war has caused. We also realize that the doctrine of Pre-emptive war, which was the cornerstone of the eight year term of George W. Bush, has several flaws in it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Telecommunication center - Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Telecommunication center - Business Plan - Essay Example By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by these restrictions and limitations. Executive Summary Date Recipient's Name, Title Street Address City, State Zip Code Dear Sir/ Ma’am: We are Q-Tele Inc, a startup telecommunications company aiming to offer alternative cellular and data services to the US Market. The company is still in its planning stage, and is looking at being able to start operations by October of this year. Currently, we are still putting together the backbone facility of the service and looks at completing this before the 4th quarter of this year. Q-Tele is Sales and Marketing driven, and will invest heavily on equipment purchase, ensuring the telecommunication infrastructure is competitive and will promise to bring better service to the target market. Upon setting up of important facilities, the owner will then proceed investing on marketing and sales tools that would bring the group to market consciousness. The owners are likewise planning for globa l expansion by forging tie ups with global service providers in ensuring connectivity among the target market. The succeeding sections will discuss the plans and goals, and the company’s business objectives. ... The company’s vision is focused on products and services that are technologically superior. The main value proposition is to enhance business and personal communications that would benefit the target market. Business Goals and Objectives Management aims to establish and stabilize business operations by the end of the third month, and have all start up loans paid up by the end of the second year in business. The owners would like to be able to open business stocks also by the end of its second year in business. Operations are being targeted to commence by October 2013. There will be soft selling of services by start of June. Dealer acquisition will start by end of April 2013, and potential dealer-retailers shall undergo a training program to ensure that they are aligned with the company’s business goals and mission vision. All needed manpower to fully support the operations should already be in by June 2013. Initial facility acquisition has commenced December of last yea r, and setting up the infrastructure to support the network operations would take approximately six months from completion of site acquisition. Business History Q-Tele is a startup telecommunications company in an industry that already has several players. The business goals may seem ambitious but the owners are optimistic that they would be able to reach the objectives by bringing in a management team with varied expertise in the telecommunication business operations. Headquarters will be located at ____________________. There will be dealers and retailers from all parts of the United States. Eventually, there will be expansion programs in key areas in US. SWOT Analysis Strengths 1. Q-Tele offers a fresh approach to retail telecommunications by providing a dedicated after sales

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Revising a learning space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Revising a learning space - Essay Example The facilities found in any room can be used as alternatives to the rapidly improving technology (Gee). For instance, a white board may be placed in a class room and this eliminates the need for PowerPoint presentations and the use of projectors. Chairs may be designed in such a way that there is storage at the bottom of each chair where one may place their belongings. This eliminates the need for cupboards. The use of hairs that can easily be folded and stored to create more space in the room may also be implemented ( Teaching laboratories are essential in any learning institute. These laboratories must have a computers that belong to the facility as they tend to be interactive rooms. Mobile computer laboratories with network printers and wireless access point are employed here. Open laboratories are also required in cases where there is a one on one support. They are equipped with the same software as teaching laboratories and are usually rum by the student workers. I n all these laboratories, the furniture should be movable so as to support various types of learning activities offered (Gee). Classrooms should be designed according to the number of students at the institute. In rooms with more than fifty students the floors are designed in such a way that they are steeply sloped. This is to enable the students in the back to see over the heads of students in front. It should fitted with comfortable chairs, a white board or a projector to aid during teaching process. They should be designed in such a manner that allows the students to see both the board and the lecturer (Gee). The furniture in the lecture halls should be portable and can be easily reconfigured for various learning activities. Lighting is very essential in any lecture room where a combination of both natural and artificial light may be implemented. The lighting should be such that it does not produce glare or hotspots on the white boards. Blinds can

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cause Related Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cause Related Marketing - Assignment Example The paper tells that cause-related marketing is a two-way process in which a business is approached by those whoa re working for a cause and so in collaboration, the company markets its goods or services using that cause and end of the day a decoded portion of the profits goes to the cause. This is a two-way process because it helps both the companies and the causes. On one hand, with the sales of the companies, a lot of charity is generated for the cause, which might not be that much if asked just in the name of charity. On the other hand, it helps the company a great deal in making more profits because the companies gain the sympathies of the consumers that they attach with cause and so they buy the companies products more to help the cause. Cause-Related marketing helps the companies significantly in making more profits. When a cause is attached with the products of a company, the company gets the â€Å"halo† effect by being related to a noble cause and so the people attach same feelings for their products that they attach for the cause. A research has concluded that 89% of the consumers would prefer to buy a cause-related product by switching a brand if the prices are same. This benefits the company significantly because even if the prices are low to be kept equal with the competing brands, the tag of a cause would make up for the profits. More sales would be generated because of people, like buying for a cause and so the increased sales would automatically result in giving the company more profits. This cause-related marketing works in a win-win manner. It basically believes in â€Å"doing well while doing good†. Although some might think of it as only a business and marketing tactic in which the companies play with the consumer’s emotions to generate profits, it actually works in both directions. Apart from cause-related marketing, otherwise the companies also try to touch the soft sides of their consumers through advertisements etc s o this is not a new concept. Getting related to a cause does help that cause to earn charity and it helps the companies in generating more sales and thus profits too. Cause-related marketing helps the company’s profitability by polishing its reputation amongst the customers. It gives the company better visibility because people start spreading the word about such companies to raise awareness for the cause.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Domestic Violence Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domestic Violence - Article Example The rate of suffering physical abuse in case of the children staying with the parents in an abusive relationship is quite common. They may get harmed while witnessing the spousal abuse closely and at some places some physical abuses get inflicted on them as well. At places, children are used as a barterer instrumental in getting control or manipulating the victim of the domestic abuse. In this case, the conflict between the parents also evolves a kind of mental trauma in the children and they are shattered out of disruption in gaining their love from parents. Also separation from their parents cause a serious mental trauma to them and in their adolescence they might get involved in myriad anti-social activities or may get addicted as well to escape the harsh realities of life. The sign of any means of thrashing can be effective in determining the symbol of abuse in the children. Also some bizarre or violent activity at the social plane is also indicative of the domestic abuse inflicted on children. Locating this kind of symptoms in children requires immediate attention and they should be taken to the family counselling centres or women and child development centres and with the help of the counsellors over there, the case should be reported to the police as well. Athlete: As a kid, initially I was a good student. It started when I was six years old. Suddenly my father became alcoholic and all sorts of problems started during that phase. I could never sleep at night. I completely lost control on my mind and was losing it out every day. Athlete: It was not very easy to get out of it. As a child I was helpless. Some abnormalities were located by my class teacher and she reported it to the concerned authority. I was send to hostel soon after. Athlete: Yes. This is the worst side of the domestic violence. My parents decided to get

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Effective Team and Performance Management Essay - 11

Effective Team and Performance Management - Essay Example The paper is focused on the interpersonal relationship in the company. It proves that self-awareness of employees helps to increase effectiveness of the team management. The work describes how to develop self-awareness of employees. Some of the techniques include relationship orientation, soft skills, soliciting feedbacks, asking good questions, listening without justification etc. The author shows that relationship orientation revolves around safety, understanding, trust, sensitivity, and respect. â€Å"Soft skill† are usually heard skills that effect relationships at the work place. Consequently, employees will tent to feel that they are free in their attitudes and behaviors hence this can bring mutual respect. The work enumerates the three key tasks for the team leadership: supporting and coaching the team to succeed, maintaining and building a team as a performing unit, and lastly, creating a condition that will enable the team to embark on its work. The paper is supplied with the diagrams that illustrate the leadership skills in an organizational relationship. It provides the description of McGregor’s theory x and y as well as skills characteristics of theory x manager and y manager. The author concludes that interpersonal relationship is very essential in any given team or organization since this in one way or another that leads to either success or failure in organizational goals. It is important for one to evaluate oneself thoroughly in order to be self-aware so that to be able to manipulate those who are near correctly.

Friday, August 23, 2019

An Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Recent US Economic Growth Research Paper

An Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Recent US Economic Growth - Research Paper Example Since the degree of industrialization in the country is high, approximately 55% of its imports are crude oil (â€Å"The World Fact Book†). The economic prosperity of U.S. had declined to some extent during the oil price boom from 2001 to 2006 (â€Å"Recent U.S. Economic Growth†). The soaring prices of energy resources increased the cost of imports as well as industrialization in the nation. Moreover, the real estate sector of the nation was facing certain exuberances since the latter half of 2007 in U.S. (â€Å"The World Fact Book†). The real estate’s homes were traded for speculative purposes in the country. Over time, failure of some projects lead to severe crisis in the U.S. money market during 2008. The commercial banks were forced to offer to accept direct implicit bail outs and some of them like Lehman Brothers had collapsed due to severe financial crisis. The recession in 2008, had significantly lowered the economic growth of U.S. since the Great Depression. In order to set everything in the right state, the U.S. government in 2008 has decided to inject $700 billion in its market through the enactment of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) (â€Å"Recent U.S. Economic Growth†). Some of these funds were utilized by the state federal government for purchasing equities of banks and some industrial corporations. In addition to that in 2009, under the guidance of President Barack Obama, the Federal government injected an additional sum of $787 billion in the U.S. economy (â€Å"The World Fact Book†). It was claimed that this fund was supposed to be allotted for financing the expansionary fiscal policies of the country from 2010 to 2011. The federal budget defici t measured in terms of percentage change in GDP in U.S. was 9% in 2011 but it decreased to a level of 7.6% in 2012 (â€Å"The World Fact Book†). This proves that there are some substantial reasons for which the economic status of U.S. has

Security and Loss Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Security and Loss Prevention - Essay Example The risks and dangers involved, both on-the-job and off-the job determine job selection. The time of exposure to the risk, safety and precaution measures in place to enhance personal safety serve as an enticement to the job (McKay, 2007). In the case of an Executive Protection Officer, the minimization of risk exposure by the availability and allowed use of bulletproof vests gives an assurance of safety. The carrying of a concealed automatic weapon would further ensure both on and off the job security, just in case the security situation gets out of hand. The main aim of working constitutes the need and desire to get spending money (McKay, 2007). The salary and allowance package attached to the job need to reflect the commitment, dedication and risk involved. Further, in cases of loss prevention jobs, the remuneration needs to take into consideration the involved goods, services or property. In cases of Executive Protection, the extra training, putting life on the line for the execut ive and the extra hours spent with the executive, at the expense of family, require consideration to ensure a pleasurable package. The doing of perfect and satisfactory jobs relies much with the satisfaction of the workers involved (McKay, 2007). Job satisfaction drives workers to enjoy the job and its surroundings and make them to forward to another day at the workplace. Personal satisfaction, and not fate or lack of any other occupation, goes a long way in determining on-the-job performance.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The second language Essay Example for Free

The second language Essay The second language has one of its toughest influences in most of the third world countries where even the national language is the one that was imposed by the colonizer. It is a common trend that in most British colonies the language of the population is English. In most of these cases the foreign national language does not find a friendly ground with the native language. No wonder the third world inhabitants have a formed opinion that learning and acquiring this foreign language is being educated. (Heath and Mangiola cv, 1991) Â  The so called ‘first day in school’ (Knapp and Shields, 1990) is most stressing in the third world than it will anywhere else. Apart from the harassment from the old children in school, the toddler finds to its amazement that the language it will have to be acquainted to a completely new one from the common native language it is used to. The fact that in these parts of the world the whole curriculum is based on that one man who colonized this place complicates the whole process of learning. It must be admitted here that the famous failing of exams in the developing worlds is not always because of the poor teaching tactics of this teacher in class but most probably because of the failure of this boy and girl to have a grasp of the language of the curriculum which is a foreign one mostly(Heath, 1991). Â  It is most obvious that most of the discussion will be based in the third world scope because its here that the native languages are still not developed in documentaries and that any form of communication at the national level has to in a foreign language recognized as the language of the masses .Going across Africa there is varied or a wide range of languages. Because of colonization, the different communities in these parts of the world and the other parts of third world including the Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia the issue of the second language has pressed so hard on the population. Because many of these countries have many tribes, the only common language they can use for official purposes is the language of the colonizer. Probably this is the main reason why Uganda, Kenya,Tanzania,Nigeria,Trinidad and Tobago and United States of America to name but a few have English as a national and official language . Britain was the colonial master of all of these nations. (Garcia and It will be very clear to give the influence of this second language by looking at an example in East Africa. In this region it is not taxing to tell a Ugandan from a Kenyan and the later will be told quite easily from their Tanzanian counterparts. Going deep further to individual countries, it is possible to tell a member of one tribe from another member of the second tribe. That this people make errors during communication is not a problem of their own making but because of their language of birth. For example for a native Lake Victoria ,the Luo tribe of Kenya, the word ‘fish’ is pronounced as , word ‘good’ goes as ‘ngood’ and drive as ndrive. To the Ugandan, the word ‘government’ is pronounced as ‘gafriment’.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Chupacabra Animal Blood

Chupacabra Animal Blood Chupacabra The horror it has created this unidentify creature Chupacabra is a cryptid rumored to lived in parts of the Americas or the world. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknow animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latters Latin America towns farms and communities. The name comes from the animals reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Physicals descriptions of the creature vary. Eyewitness sightings have been claimed as early as 1990 in Puerto Rico. It is supposedly as a big creature. Most biologists and wild management officials view the Chupacabra as an urban legend. ( â€Å"There are come theories one of them is that some authorities have ventured that chupacabras may actually be a large vampire bat. The worlds three species of blood-sucking bats live predominantly in the warm climates of Latin America where most of the attacks have occurred. But vampire bats do not directly kill their victims; they stealthily creep up on their sleeping prey, make painless incisions, and lap up the dripping blood. Another theory is that the Chupacabra is the result of secret government experiments in genetics. There is another one called the â€Å"Alien Theory†: Disinformation and debunking campaigns appeared organised through UFO groups stating Chupacabras belong to a voracious reptilian race of creatures, alien in origin, who have started devouring the populace.† ( Since 1990 farmers have found corpses of sheep, goats, cows, turkeys, cats, chickens, with specific penetrating injuries, around their necks and bodies totally, without blood. Some farmers say that the aggressor is an animal half dog, half wolf and, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base 0of the tail . The same versions assure that the animal is capable to be stopped being supported in its hind legs and to swim quickly -like ducks-.The animal jumps as kangaroo, measures 1,2 mts of high, has a great snout with eyeteeth and so scarce and fine fur, that it could be told that lacks hair. One thing that it suppose to be true is that the Chupacabra doesnt need to drink blood every nigth, they say that one night each month he got all the necessary to survive the whole month. But in only one night he could eat an incredible numbers of goats or chikens or turkeys or rabbit, etc. ( â€Å"The goatsucker or chupacabra has affected Latin America by sucking blood or eating internal organs of animals like goats, cows, chikens, ducks, cats, dogs, turkeys, rabbits and other small animals in farms, and living less domestic animals. The goatsucker or chupacabra affected the most in Puerto Rico. There have being many cases of dead animals by the characteristic of a goatsucker eating. Since 1975.  ¨Their first known attacks were in March of 1975 in Puerto Rico. Eight sheep were discovered dead, each completely drained of blood. Investigators found three strange puncture wounds in the chests of the animals.† ( â€Å"In July 2004, a rancher near San Antonio, Texas, killed a hairless, dog-like creature named JoAnne, which was attacking his livestock. This creature is now known as the Elmendorf Creature. It was later determined to be an unknown canine of some sort, similar to a coyote with demodectic mange. In October 2004, two animals which closely resemble the Elmendorf Creature were observed in the same area. The first was dead, and a local zoologist who was called to identify the animal noticed the second while she was traveling to the location where the first was found. Specimens of the dead animal were studied by biologists in Texas, who found that the creatures were some sort of canines of an undetermined species.† ( , Raggie Lagow) â€Å" In April of 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabra was spotted in Russia for the first time. Reports from Central Russia beginning in March 2005 tell of a beast that kills animals and sucks out their blood. Thirty-two turkeys were killed and drained overnight. Reports later came from neighboring villages when 30 sheep were killed and had their blood drained. Finally eyewitnesses were able to describe the chupacabra. In May of 2006, experts were determined to track the animal down. In mid-August 2006 Michelle ODonnell, described an evil looking rodent-like creature with fangs that had been found dead alongside a road. The mystery beast was apparently struck by a car, and was otherwise unidentifiable. Photographs were taken and several witness reports seem to be in relative agreement that the creature was canine in appearance, but unlike any dog or wolf in the area.† (, Michelle ODonnell) â€Å"In December 2006, a local farmer in Peru claimed to have seen a creature resembling a Chupacabra attacking a wild boar on his farm. The man, who referred to the creature as Zahir, later told the authorities that he feared for his life when he saw the creature devour the boar within minutes. The creature then ran faster than any animal the farmer had ever seen. Shocked at the sight of the creature, the farmer stated that he is haunted by the evil in the Zahirs eyes. The most recent, undocumented sighting of the Chupacabra was in Hawaii on the island of Maui. Witnesses who apparently saw the beast outside of the Kuia Leia Airport described the creature as half dog half human. (February 16, 2007) One week after Chiles Armed Forces released photos and videos of UFO activity around the country, Chiles mainstream media has once again gone extraterrestrial with various Chupacabra sightings reported throughout the country. Chupacabra literally translated as goat sucker is the name f or a mythical creature known for sucking the blood out of farm animals throughout Latin America and the southern United States. Many enthusiasts speculate that Chupacabras are aliens or escaped alien pets as evidence of the creature is frequently reported in tandem with nearby UFO sightings. While UFO activity is typically reserved for Chiles tabloid press, Chupacabra sightings make big news in Chile, and the countries principle newspaper, El Mercurio, reported Wednesday that Chupacabras are once again causing a stir in the southern cone country. According to the daily, a Chupacabra attacked a henhouse in San Antonio Tuesday evening, leaving every chicken dead, without blood, and with a mysterious orifice on their spines. Flor Và ¡squez, 73, told police that she could not believe what she saw when she entered her henhouse. â€Å"All the chickens were dead and were sucked completely dry of blood,† she said. â€Å"But the animal that did it did not eat a single on of my bir ds.† (El Mercurio, ) My conclusion is that the chupacabra exist, you can say that this is a case like the one of the loch ness monster but is different because in this case we have evidence like photos, remains, victims, etc. The Chupacabra or goatsucker has beencalled by a lot of names one of them is phenomenoum it can be because it seem to dont be an animal, but another chance is that it can be a creation on a laboratory of some scientifics and it scaped but im not sure about this because it seem to dont be only one. This is another question i couldnt answer, how does it reproduct? Is not only one. How many could they be, but how?. I guees it still a mystery but not any more a legend. Bibliography

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Literature Review On Flexible Work Practices

Literature Review On Flexible Work Practices This literature review will attempt to appraise and analyse previous works conducted in the field of flexible work practices and work-life balance and its impact on employees. Theories such as Atkinsons flexible firm model (1984), Handys Shamrock organisation concept (1985), psychological contract and Border theory will be used to support this writing. Flexible Work Practices The origin of flexible work practices can be traced back to the 1970s when organizations in Europe experienced challenges as a result of globalization, growth of the product market, advanced technology, and a demand for reduction in the cost of labor (Sarantinos 2007). In response to this, the policy makers recommended two different ways (the low road and the high road) of managing the situation (EPOC, 1999). The`low-road` involves price competition, reduction in earnings and other benefits that were designed for the employees. In contrast, the `high road` includes technical innovation, quality endorsement and the development of the work force. Due to the social orientation of the regulatory authorities and the large number of organizations, the high road was considered to be more appropriate. Employees were however expected to cope with these developments, and this can be regarded as the starting point or the foundation of flexibility for both the employer and the employees (EPOC, 1 999). According to Rose (2008) flexibility is mostly analyzed from the perspective of revolution within the structure of employment relationship and it aids in conforming rapidly to changes in the world of technology and market opportunity. Piore (1998 cited in Rose 2008) argues that flexibility enables the workforce to be multi-skilled and it also promotes a cordial relationship between workers and management towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives. In addition, Dyer (1998) states that the ability to increase workers competencies and involvement will lead to a reduction in the level of absenteeism and increase employee satisfaction as well as the organizational productivity. Furthermore, Armstrong (2006) maintains that flexibility helps in preserving a sense of balance between work and other activities outside work. In a research conducted on Human Resource specialists from 585 organisations in United Kingdom, CIPD (2005) found a rise in the number of employees making us e of flexible contract of employment. However, Pollert (1991 cited in Creagh and Brewster 1998) suggest that drawbacks such as reduced training and development, high job insecurity and low wage should be considered while adopting these practices. It can be argued that there is no widely acceptable definition of the term flexibility in spite of its possible benefits. According to Blyton and Morris (1992: 2), flexibility is defined as the adaptability or responsiveness to pressure and it is generally represented as the opposite of rigidity. Similarly, Bucki and Pesqueux (2000) describe flexibility as the ability to vary according to needs thereby reflecting the ability to stay operational in changing conditions. Furthermore, Benner (2002: 14) states that flexibility refers to the ability to change or react to changes with little penalty in time effort, cost or performance. In addition, (Smith 1989: 203 cited in Legge 2005: 178) defined flexibility as labour market and labour process restructuring to increased versatility in design and greater adaptability of new technology in production. Again, Pilbeam and Corbridge (2006: 104) posit that flexibility is the ability of an organisation to adapt the size, composition, responsivene ss and cost of the people inputs required to achieve organizational objectives. From the above definitions, it is important to note that flexibility is influenced by changes in the economic situation, increased competition, labour market volatility and changes in the world of technology. Wilson et al (2008) explains that different meaning could be ascribed to the term flexibility. According to the author, flexibility can be identified with high commitment work practices and it includes career development, team work, and multi skilling. Presumably, these practices should increase employee satisfaction and motivation and ultimately an increase in the firms competitive advantage. On the contrary, some organizations adopt flexible practices which involve the use of low-priced casual workers for the purpose of meeting changes in customers demand and generating performance benefit. EEF (2009) also maintains that the word flexibility can be analysed from two perspectives. For the employees, flexibility is often used to depict the right to demand for work practices such as home-working, term-time working, part-time working, flexitime and job sharing, annual or compressed hours. Thus, flexibility helps in creating a wide range of motivating jobs and a better working condition for the employees (Dyer 1998). From the employers point of view, flexibility is often used as an abbreviation of the flexible labour markets. It enables the employer to regulate the way work is done in order to meet up with changes in demand (EEF 2009). Thus, flexibility ensures that the organisation remains globally competitive. According to (Bouchikhi and Kimberly cited in Mullins 2007), one of the major challenges that organisations encounter within the flexible labour market is an understanding of individuals wants; and the need to support employee-driven flexibility. Furthermore, Pilbeam and Corbridge (2006) analyzed the term flexibility from two contexts. The first is from the employers viewpoint and it is concerned with the managements pursuit of workers flexibility in order to increase profitability and maximize efficiency. The second aspect is seen from an employees perspective and it is generally addressed by means of rearranging or restructuring of the patterns of work. The study of flexibility from the employees perspective remains the focus of this write-up as it involves the endorsement of flexible working practices to improve work-life balance. Several writers such as (Blyton and Morris 1992; Atkinson 1984; Bramham 1994; Sparrow and Marchington 1998 cited Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006, Lewis et al 2003; Torrington et al 2008; Armstrong 2006; Legge 2005; Dyer 1998) have attempted to identify the different types of flexibility which exists in the workplace. They include functional, numerical, financial geographical, temporal, skills and structural flexibility. Functional flexibility affords management the ability to quickly re-assign workers between different tasks based on jobs requirements (Sisson and Storey 2003). Furthermore, Dyer (1998) maintains that such movement enhances on-the-job training and it also increases employees satisfaction and productivity. Functional flexibility is associated with the core workforce within the Atkinson model (Lewis et al 2003). Atkinson argues that the core workforce is expected to apply their skills across a wide range of tasks in order to contribute significantly to the achievement of organisational success (Marchington and Wilkinson 2008). According to Torrington et al (2008), the rationale behind functional flexibility is to enable employees acquire the skills needed to embark on different assignments, thus ensuring versatility within the work place. However, Legge (2005) argues that functional flexibility is about work amplification and managements ability to exert control over the work force. Nev ertheless, functional flexibility increases employees competencies and ensures a quick response to demand (Mabey et al 1998). Numerical flexibility is the firms ability to increase and reduce the number of work force in response to fluctuations in the demand for product or services (Armstrong 2006). Price (2006) maintains that there is difficulty in achieving this form of flexibility with the core workforce; and Blyton and Morris (1991) conclude that numerical flexibility can be achieved through the use of the peripheral employees within the Atkinsons model. Working practices which incorporates elements of numerical flexibility includes part-time employment, self employment, short-term contracts, job sharing, homework, and agency temps. (Dyer 1998). According to Sparrow and Marchington (1998), numerical flexibility increases employees empowerment because if gives an opportunity for individuals to define their own job. Legge (2005: 178) however argues that one of the reasons why organizations adopt numerical flexibility is to suppress the permanency of employment relationship; thereby making employee redunda ncy an acceptable practice within the employment relationship. (Conclude with statistics) Financial flexibility is the ability of an organization to regulate employment overheads by allocating labour costs to substantiate the supply of and demand for labour so as to increase profitability. It includes payment in relation to performance and the use of local market rates in establishing the cost of labour. To be applied, it requires the utilisation of temporal flexibility as well as the application of non- consolidated bonus pay and non- pensionable payment to steer clear of any expense that encourages a rise in cost (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). In addition, financial flexibility supports the implementation of functional and numerical flexibility (Dyer 1998). Temporal flexibility has to do with the arrangement of working hours so as to meet up with production demands. Its aim is to maximise productive time and minimise unproductive time. However, Muller-Camen (2008) argues that the aim of temporal flexibility is to reduce the payment of overtime premium, even though it helps in coping with high customer demand. Geographical flexibility involves the ability of organisation to engage the employee in distant working and it is achieved through better use of technology. To be applied, the employee requires access to organisations facilities from home usually for specific occasion or as situation demands. Arguably, geographical flexibility ensures job security and it enhances efficiency in the execution of work (Stredwick 2000). Forms of flexibility are flexible time, part-time working, overtime, job rotation, shifting, compressed hour, annualised hour, term time Two influential frameworks that address flexibility at the organisational level include Atkinsons (1984) flexible firm model and Handy (1985) shamrock organisation. The flexible firm model was developed by Atkinson in 1984 and it is useful in evaluating the general concept of flexibility (Stredwick 2000). The model contains all the various forms of flexibility discussed above and it also recognises some of the consequences of the flexible work force. Atkinsons (1984) flexible firm Atkinson reinforces an optimist view to flexibility, he argues that economic recession and technological changes have encouraged employers to make their firm more flexible thereby increasing productivity (Rose 2008). Atkinson believes that flexibility addresses the rigidities associated with the rules of employment established under scientific organisation designs where management control over workers was used to increase productivity (Dyer 1998). Atkinsons flexible firm model provides a framework based on breaking internal hierarchical labour markets by creating a core and a periphery workforce; and the author further argues that the flexible firm has a variety of ways of meeting the need of human resources (Torrington et al 2008). The core work force is made up of highly skilled workers (such as management, technical staff and other professionals) who are considered critical to organisational success by their ability to sustain the organisations competitive advantage (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). They are highly regarded by the employer, well paid and they are involved in the firms decision making (Torrington et al 2008). In addition, they tend to have development and career opportunities in order to secure their long-term commitment to the organisations. In return, these employees are expected to be functionally flexible by applying their skills across a wide range of tasks in order to contribute significantly to the achievement of organisational success (Marchington and Wilkinson 2008). Whittington (1991 cited in Dyer 1998) however challenge the benefits associated with the core workforce and argues that improved working conditions and better pay is achieved through work intensification. In addition, Ursell (1991 cited in Dyer 1998) maintain that the scope of decision making associated with the core workforce is likely to be very limited and found that budgets, performance appraisals and selection techniques are being used to both monitor and control the extent of autonomy given to the core work force. The peripheral workforce is characterised by low wages, low job security with little or no autonomy in their work Dyer (1998) and are subdivided into several segments. The first group is known as the first peripheral. Employees in this group are drawn from the secondary labour market and they have skills and knowledge profile which is general rather than specific to the core business of the organisation (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). They are employed on contracts with some degree of permanence. They are important but not critical to organisation success as their skills and knowledge will normally be readily available in external labour market. Consequently, they cannot expect similar degrees of security as their colleagues from the core even if they display some functional flexibility (Marchington and Wilkinson 2008). Instead of having a career, these group of employees only have job (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). They can be regarded as labour on call providing a buffer stock of reso urces enabling the organisation to expand and contract organically Rose (2008); hence they are seen as numerically flexible. Marchington and Wilkinson (2008) however argue against categorising all workers in this group as peripherals because some part time workers are critical to the success of the business given their close contact with customers and their contribution to business goals. Examples include administrative, secretarial, sales, production and supervisory staff. The second peripheral group comprises individuals who find it hard to break into internal labour market and whose employment experiences tend to be precarious, with little realistic prospect of employment security (Marchington and Wilkinson 2008). They consist of beck and call workers (such as caterers, cleaners or assembly workers) characterized by casual, zero hours or core hours contract of employment (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). They have a limited contract of employment (either short term or part time) and they enjoy even less security (Torrington et al 2008). In addition, they have relatively restricted reward package and they can easily be replaced. They provide dynamic forms of numerical and financial flexibility and they can be said to have work rather than jobs or career. Examples include cleaners, drivers, caterers etc. Beyond the peripheral group are those individuals who are clearly external to the host organisation but employed by another employer or in self employment (Marchington and Wilkinson 2008). This group also includes labour provided through contracts for services and the sub-contracting of work to other organisations. Workers supplied through agencies also fit into this category (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). In contrast to the first and second peripheral, this group also include elite portfolio workers who possess skills for which there is high demand. They provide work on a paid for result or consultancy basis, and where the correspondingly high rewards compensate for any lack of employment security or regularity (Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006). Examples include information technology providers, teachers and lecturers, interim managers or even chief executives. Critiques of the flexible firm model The flexible firm model has been criticised as not been backed up by facts Muller-Camen (2008); and (Legge 2005; Torrington 2008) highlights the vagueness in the model as to whether the model is a description of trends or a prescription of the future. Sarantinos (2007) however claims that the model maintains clarity in classifying the different kind of flexibility and it highlights the methods which organisation are adopting in order to achieve a flexible model. Nonetheless, Dyer (1998) maintains that the notion that organizations have pursued flexibility by introducing core and periphery labor management strategies has been disputed. According to the author, rather than flexibility representing a fundamental shift in the way work is organized, it is more about intensifying the control of capital over labor by using new management techniques. In a research conducted on a group of scientists, Whittington (1991) found that market pressure had forced the research staff (who theoreticall y fall into the core category) to work harder and to respond rapidly to shifting client needs. Subsequently, (Ursell 1991; Smith 1991) argues that although the flexible firm model may use different tactics, the goal of flexible firms is the same as that of management under the Fordist model that of achieving management control over committed workers and utilizing the knowledge of the employee in the pursuit of profit. In addition, the status of the periphery workforce as opposed to the core is also challenged. According to Lewis et al (2003), the flexible firm analyses have a tendency to trigger different feelings among the employees especially the classification of employees into core and peripherals. Furthermore, (Geary 1992 cited in Pilbeam and Corbridge 2006) argues that the division of employee into peripherals perpetuates inequality and contradicts the main maxim of human resource management which is to value and develop employees as the organisations major asset. Similarly, Torrington et al (2008) maintains that this division is incompatible with the best practice approaches to HRM which seek to increase peoples management and development in order to achieve the goals of the organisation. Besides, Torrington et al (2008) also argues that this could lead to a negative effect on employees psychological contract, which according to Lewis et al (2003) is a tool used in analysing the employment relationship that exists between the employer and the employee. HANDY SHAMROCK PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT There have been major changes in the economy (as discussed above) over the last few decades leaving employees with different requirements from work. In addition, employees level of education has greatly improved with an increased knowledge of their preferences, and the ideas they develop exceeds that of the former generation (Stredwick and Ellis 2002). This changes have resulted into a transition from traditional contracts (where the employee perceives that the employer guarantees a job for life in response to their allegiance), to contracts where employees loyalty is dependent on a rise in earnings and increased training (Smithson and Lewis 2003). Such changes have been summarised as a move from relational contracts, depending upon reciprocal trust and commitment, to the one that is transactional, based upon negotiation and short term economic exchange (Herriot and Pemberton 1995 cited in Lewis et al 2003). Arguably, these changes affect employees attitudes and behaviour; and the psychological contract is considered to be a relevant tool in understanding and managing these changes (Conway and Briner 2005). This is because the psychological contract evaluates the individual aspect of employment relationship and this appears to be associated with flexibility advancement (Guest 2004). In addition, psychological contract presents a peculiar insight into the effect of flexible work practices (Guest 2004). It is a concept which has the capacity to explain the transformation that people goes through in the employment relationship (Arnold 1996). The term psychological contract was first used by Argyris in 1960 to explain the relationship which exists between a group of employees and their foreman (Coyle-Sharpiro 2000); though Conway and Briner (2005) argue that Argyris work was not subjected to theoretical analysis. According to Guest (2006), the psychological contract is the perception of both parties to the employment relationship, organization and individual of the reciprocal promises and obligations implied in that relationship. Another definition that focuses more on the employee is by Rousseau (1995). The author defined psychological contract as an individuals beliefs shaped by the organisation, regarding the terms of an exchange agreement between individuals and their organisation. Guest (1998) however argues that Rousseaus definition of the psychological contract is defective because it focuses on employee alone and he stresses the fact that the contract is the perception of both parties to employment relationship. C IPD (2003) further explains that the psychological contract is unlike the formal contract of employment and it is largely unwritten. It focuses on each partys perception of the employment relationship, it involves sincerity, reciprocated trust, and a duty of care; and it is more effective compared to the written contract in affecting employees behaviour (Stredwick and Ellis 2003). Coyle-Shapiro (2000) argues that the content of the psychological contract is influenced by employees view of the employment relationship. A positive psychological contract is directly related to job fulfilment and commitment which ultimately will result in an increase on performance. Similarly, a reduction on performance is likely to occur when the psychological contract is negative. With the introduction of flexible work practices, some employees (especially the peripherals) might assume that the organization has failed in developing their potentials thus reneging on its obligations. In an investigation conducted on some workers in a Swedish hospital, and result shows that individuals on flexible employment demonstrated higher levels of jobs insecurity and reduced organisational commitment (Sverke et al 2000). Arguably workers on flexible contracts are mostly associated with low benefits and they enjoy less opportunity towards training and development (Atkinson 1984). Consequently, they experience job dissatisfaction, mental discomfort and a negative life outside of work Guest (2004); leading to a reduction in loyalty and poor performance regarding organizations objectives. This is known as the violation or breach of the psychological contract (Rousseau 1995). (Morrinson and Robinson 1997 cited in Conway and Briner 2005) however argue that there is a distinction between breach and violation of the psychological contract. Subsequently, Kramer (2006) refers to a breach of the psychological contract as the perception held by someone in a relationship that another person in the relationship has failed to perform the promised obligations; and violation is referred to as the intense emotional reactions that comes with breaches (Morrinson and Robinson 1997 cited in Conway and Briner 2005). According to Conway and Briner (2005), the main way of understanding how the psychological contract affects employees reaction is when breach occurs. Employees who perceive breaches in the psychological contract think about their relationship with the organisation from a negative point of view, and demonstrate increase intention to quit the organisation (Robinson and Rousseau 1994). Similarly, Cortvriend (2004) found that violation is positively related to employee de-motivation, negative attitudes towards the job and withdrawal from the organisation. Furthermore, (Robinson and Morrison 1995 cited in Arnold 1996) found that employees who perceive a violation in their psychological contract usually report negative organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). OCB is defined as a readiness to contribute beyond literal contractual obligations (Organ 1988: 22 cited in Coyle-Shapiro). Based on the above discussion, flexibility is directly related to perception of job insecurity and a breach of employees psychological contract; as a result, flexibility is portrayed as an unconstructive theory. Guest (2004) however stresses that this should not be used as a global conclusion. Consequently, Marler et al (2002) emphasis the fact that different employees consent to flexible employment for different reasons; hence they should not be treated the same way. Furthermore, Guest (2004) attempted to differentiate between workers on the margin of employment and knowledge worker whose contract of employment is by choice. Workers on the margin of employment are those whose competencies are low and those with poor bargaining power thus they experience unfavourable treatment from employers. As a result, they suffer increase job insecurity and reduced opportunity for training and development. On the other hand, knowledge workers are those who incline towards flexibility and whose em ployment contract is by choice (Capelli 1991). They consist of temporary workers, part-time or even self employed. These workers embrace flexible work practices and they have the capacity to move between employments as they desire. In contrast to general assumptions, workers who choose flexible contract enjoy higher job satisfaction and they suffer no insecurity in their employment. In a general research conducted by the IPD into the present disposition of the psychological contract, findings revealed that the psychological contract was in an improved condition than expected (Stredwick and Ellis 2003). 81% of participants affirmed that their employers were fair in dealing with them, and 72% believed that their organisation will honour its undertakings and obligations (Stredwick and Ellis 2003). Guest and Conway (1999) however attempted to assess the state of psychological contracts of core employees with the peripherals and found that a better state of psychological contract was reported by the peripherals. However, Dyer (1998) argues that the reason for this is because the peripheral workers exhibit more of transactional relationship and they tend to respond more quickly to changes in the composition of the psychological contract with changes in their pay. This argument can be supported by a survey conducted in the American aerospace industry with a sample of 1 99 employees on permanent contract and 24 employees on flexible contract (Pearce and Randel 1998). Pay differentials exists within the work place with employees on flexible contract earning more than those on permanent contract. Results show little or no difference in perceived job security, performance and job satisfaction between temporary and permanent workers. In a survey carried out for the UK Department of Education and Employment on 607 workers who enjoy flexible work practices (Tremlett and Collins 1999), 68% mentioned choice of work, reduction in workload and an improved work-life balance as some advantages of flexibility. Conversely, 79% mentioned the negative aspects of flexibility as job insecurity, difficulty in working as a team, reduced benefits and treatment lower than that of permanent workers. However, (Pearce and Randell 1998) argues that the perceived effect of flexible work practice can best be determined by employees career preference; that is, whether the choice of flexible contract was intentional or not. In the UK survey reported by Tremlett and Collins (1999), 147 out of 607 did not want a permanent job. As the main reason for this, they cited not wanting the commitment that goes with permanent employment (21%), the loss of freedom to choose the work they wanted to do (19%), being too old (18%) and general lack of int erest in permanent employment (18%). WORK-LIFE BALANCE Work-life balance initiative was developed as a result of changes within the work force involving an increase in the number of women, ageing population (author); and increased understanding of the importance of employees management to organisational success (Maxwell 2005). The rapid growth of this practice was supported by government legislation which introduced the right to request flexible working also known as family friendly policy (CIPD 2010). This right was initially available for parents with children below six years of age or with disabled children below the age of eighteen years. However, there is an ongoing consideration to extend the right to parents with children under the age of sixteen years (Pitt 2009). The aim of this policy is to ensure that skills and experience needed to sustain the economy is readily available by allowing parents (especially mothers) balance work with other family responsibilities. However (Lea 2001 cited in Torrington et al 2008) argues that this policy could prevent women with family responsibilities from being hired thereby hindering womens employment prospect. Nevertheless, Manfredi and Holliday (2004) maintain that the practice impacts positively on womens career path. Another reason for the growth of family friendly policy is an increase in the number of aged people. According to Manfredi and Holliday (2004), the population is ageing thereby leading to a rise in caring responsibilities for elderly parents in addition to child care responsibilities. This however, led to carers of some specified group of adults becoming eligible for this right from April 2007. As a result of growing recognition of employees in sustaining competitive advantage, this right was further developed into work-life balance policies to include employees without family responsibilities and who desire to benefit from flexible work practices for personal reasons (Fleetwood 2007). This arguably will reduce the risk of alienation and ensure that all employees are seen as business investments and valuable assets (Maxwell 2005). According to Work foundation (2003b) work-life balance is defined as the ability of employees to achieve a satisfactory equilibrium between work and non work activities such as caring responsibilities and some other interests. Similarly, employers for work-life balance also defined WLB as about people having a measure of control over when, where and how they work leading them to enjoy an optimal quality of life. Furthermore, DTI (2005) defined work-life balance as being about adjusting working patterns regardless of age, race or gender, so everyone can find a rhythm to help them combine work with other responsibilities or aspiration. In addition, Heckerson and Laser (2006: 27) define work-life balance as a state whereby the needs and requirements of work are weighed together to create an equitable share of time that allows for work to be completed and a professionals private life to get attention. The concept of work-life balance is based on employees capability to synchronize respon sibilities at work and other interests outside work without causing conflict. According to IDS (2008a), work-life balance involves the availability of flexible work practices developed to enable employees participate in activities outside work in addition to fulfilling their job responsibilities; thus it is designed to promote flexibility (Maxwell 2005). Fleetwood (2007) argue that there is an inextricable link between the practices associated with work-life balance and that of flexible working. The author however stresses the differences between employee flexibility (employer unfriendly) and employer flexibility (employee unfriendly); and further states that employer and employees flexibility should not be used interchangeably because the former constrains work-life balance, while the latter enhances work-life balance. Work-life balance practices that make up employee flexibility are working time arrangements (such as home working, part tim

Monday, August 19, 2019

New Trends and the Evaluation of Scholarship :: Essays Papers

New Trends and the Evaluation of Scholarship Introduction The advancement of information and communication technologies over the past decade, particularly the growth of the Internet, the World Wide Web (Web), and email, have had an impact on how scholarship is conducted and are re-defining many aspects of scholarly communication. Interdisciplinarity, collaboration, and disintermediation are three aspects of scholarly communication that are on the increase as a result of the advancement of information and communication technology. The trend towards increased interdisciplinary and collaborative scholarship, combined with the disintermediation of traditional journal publishers and publishing as more scholarship is made directly available electronically, make the evaluation of scholarship more difficult. This paper will briefly examine these trends, the advancement of new technology, and how they may effect the evaluation of scholarship. Backgound Changes in scholarly communication and the evaluation of scholarship are discussed in this paper in the context of several concepts. Operationalizing the key concepts used in this discussion results in the following definitions. Scholarship is both the work, and the result of the work, performed by scholars to produce new information to be added to a body of knowledge. The addition of scholarly work to a body of knowledge is accomplished by communicating, usually in writing, either in print or digital format, the findings produced by scholarship to the wider, usually academic, community. Borgman (2000) defines scholarly communication as â€Å"†¦the study of how scholars in any field†¦use and disseminate information through formal and informal channels† (p. 144). Evaluating scholarship entails examining the written results of scholarly work, but it also includes examination of the methods and procedures used to produce that work. Interdisciplinarity refers to the increasing trend of scholars to participate in research and publication activities with other scholars outside of their own academic discipline. Webster’s online defines discipline as â€Å"a branch of knowledge or teaching; the subject matter of instruction† (Webster’s, 2003). â€Å"Interdisciplinarity is a term which refers to the integration of concepts across different disciplines† (Wikipedia, 2003). The most complete definition found was one quoted in Lattuca (2002) and specifies the different types of interdisciplinary actions that are at the core of interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary – An adjective describing the interaction among two or more different disciplines. This interaction may range from simple communication of ideas to the mutual integration of organizing concepts, methodology, procedures, epistemology, terminology, data, and organization of research and education in a fairly large field. An

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

It is difficult to know whether a negative reaction to the leader or other members in the group is because of a true feeling toward that person, or if it is because of transference of feelings for someone significant in the life of the person having the reaction. One of the most obvious signs that there is transference taking place is when a member has a really strong reaction to me, the leader, without having spent much time with each other. I think this is the most obvious because how could such strong feelings transpire in such a short period of time. Another sign is negative feelings over time. There may be a way that I behave or articulate myself that brings up feelings of someone in the member’s outside life. After all of the reading that we have done for this class though, I feel like the only way to really know if it is transference is to discuss what the individual is feeling and why they think they are having such a strong reaction. Transference between members is probably more obvious. The leader can look at the interactions between members more objectively. The signs are the same as transference toward the leader, but the members that seem to be in conflict may not understand what is potentially happening. Just like with transference toward the leader, discussion about feelings and personal reactions needs to take place. 2. There are a few steps that I can take to be more aware of if I am having some countertransference reactions to members. First, understanding my own issues with people in my life. If I am having issues with someone in my life, then a member exhibits behavior in the group that I associate with the individual in my personal life, I cannot provide the best help to them. Next, if I am having strong re... ...goals they will have for themselves when the group does end. Once they establish the goals they would like to achieve when the group ends, the leader can help guide them in ways to reach those goals. My job as a leader would be to help the members deal with their feelings about the group ending. As the reading makes clear some people may have anxiety about not having the support of the group, or maintaining the changes that they have made. I also will need to address any concerns about confidentiality once the group ends. The members need to know that the work they did is going to stay confidential, even though the group is ending. Helping members set goals and the ways they can achieve them when the group ends is also important. Giving any final feedback that can help the members after the final session will also aid in the member in reaching/setting their goals.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What aspects of your life would you most like to keep and why

There are many aspects of my life which have become important to me and the way I live day to day. Many of the things which I include myself I can easily live without and are merely acts of procrastination which I would be better of abandoning, yet there are some things which improve me as a person and are vital to my well being. The first and most important of aspect of my life which every person needs to have, for a secure and happy way of life is family; and our ability to rely upon our family to always love and care for us. It is my parents who raised me and cared for me when no one else would they are the reason I am living the way of life I am today. Family is important because they give us the significance that we need to feel. They act as our own group of loyal supporters which we all crave to have. In a world that never stops moving for anyone, those closest to will, they will share in my sorrows and be joyous in my success. Our parents, siblings and relations are all that we have and they are who mould us into great people and the provide us the motivation to do great things and make the positive influence on society that keep the human race moving forward. Another aspect of our aspect of my life which I would want to keep is my religion. Islam was too first given to by my family, yet now it has become a complete way of life for me. It gives us humans the sense of purpose which we strive for and it instructs us on how we should act and behave to not only others around us but ourselves. Religion also has the ability to unite billions of people around the world to one common belief, and this common ground which we share with each other is invaluable because too much now days people focus on our differences yet fail to acknowledge the similarities; the belief in God. Religion is a central part of my life and makes up part of my identity, without which I am nothing. The internet is an aspect of my life which over the years has become a pivotal part of my life. It is a treasure trove of information that can provide you up to date news as well is an encyclopaedia of knowledge about history and connects people worldwide. The internet has revolutionised my way of life, and the fact that it has been phased into my life does mean that with time one could become used to living without it again. I use the internet in all aspects of my life and it comes to use from being used for school work and keeping connected with friends and family living too far away to contact any other way. The final part of my life which I would like to hold onto until I am old and grey is my participation in sports; sport is beneficial to my mind and body in so many ways; from the obvious facts of reducing body fat and increasing stamina to its ability to help me fight away depression and anxiety. Sports gives us a sense of belonging and helps us fit in with other people who we may not normally meet or talk to. If I am able to continue my involvement in sports then in the future it would lower the chances of me suffering from illnesses and diseases and also continue to give me that competitive edge over others who I may meet in the world of work. Participation in sport gives me that sense of achievement and confidence which is not always found in other aspects of life and therefore I will continue my affiliation with it for as long as possible. We as a human race must strive to maintain the ability to celebrate and learn from the past, for if men and women are freed from tradition and the experiences of history and the family environment, we will be but clueless beings; making the same mistakes of those who have already come before us and be moulded by eccentrics and maniacs, which would only be detrimental to the development of the humanity.

Theories of Pyramid creation

The Egyptian pyramid construction theories range from simply outlandish to impossible. Almost all Archaeologist and some engineers take a stab at a theory sometime during their career. None have been proven and all are simply an educated guess. No one knows how the pyramids could have been built without today's heavy machinery. It seems Impossible for any group of men to move a 2. 5 ton block from the quarry to the construction site and then manage to lift Into the alarm to stack It precisely on top of each other without machinery and surveying tools. Doesn't It?In order to understand the size and magnitude of these pyramids, for example, the great pyramid of Gaza. This pyramid stood over oft tall and was the largest recorded structure in the world for over 3,800 years. It was made from roughly 2 be a mystery without modern day tools. Whoever built the pyramids employed a technology that far surpasses modern technology In most cases. Some say that present day engineers and architects are at such a complete loss as to how they were built and most admit they remain one of the most complex, sophisticated and receives built structures on earth.Some say that a select group of architects and engineers are at such a loss that they have turned to alien technology as the only possible answer. Theory; aliens built the pyramids, not man. People that believe this theory often base it on the fact that Egyptians had no knowledge of math or geometry and the fact that the pyramids align precisely with the constellation Orient's Belt. â€Å"Gaza consists of two almost equally tall pyramids and a smaller one which is only 53% of the height of the other two. The belt of Orion consists of two almost animally bright stars, and one with only 50% of the brightness of the other two.The smallest pyramid is the one which deviates from the diagonal, as does the dimmest star. † (Mohammad, 2013) It is also impossible to explain how the pyramid of Gaza is aligned perfectly with the m agnetic north pole since they had no use of a compass, especially since it had not even been vented yet. How can anyone explain how they moved such massive blocks of stone without the wheel, it also had not been vented yet. These all are interesting facts that say something out of this world helped theEgyptians build the pyramids, but the most astonishing one was when a reputable Egyptian Archeologist, Dry Ala Shaken told an audience that there might be some truth to the theory that aliens were involved in the construction of the great pyramids of Gaza. In a statement during an interview Dry. Shaken replied to a question from Mr.. Mark Novak that implied that there may be OF technology within Its structure with the following statement â€Å"l cannot confirm or deny this, but there Is something Inside the pyramid that Is â€Å"not of this world. † Dry. Shaken has failed to elaborate on is comment which leaves all of guessing. Michael Cohen, 2010) There are two theories close In similarity that most modern scholars believe to be possible, the external ramp theory and the Internal ramp theory. The first theory, the external ramp theory, Is based on the men pulling the large stone up a ramp that would Increase In height as the pyramid did. â€Å"Historians speculate that the stones were dragged up inclined ramps made of compacted rubble bonded and made slippery theory is it is believed to be impossible for the men to pull the stones up a ramp rater than 8% grade, this would mean the ramp would have to be over a mile long.There is not room, and there is not such a ramp on the Gaza plateau. Because the single straight ramp theory Just doesn't work many have opted for an optional ramp theory. The internal ramp theory combines both theories. It is believed that the bottom third of the pyramid had a single straight ramp that the blocks were dragged up. The internal ramp theory is based on the fact that the incline would never exceed 7%. This would be accomplis hed by building a ramp that wrapped the inside of the Truckee, similar to a spiral staircase.By using this method the blocks were pulled up the bottom 1/3 straight external ramp, they were then pulled inside and pulled up an internal ramp. It is believed that the reason there is not an external ramp in existence today is because it was categorized by using its blocks to create the top the 2/3 of the structure. This theory seems to be the best possible solution on how the pyramids were built, but it still doesn't explain how it was done with such precision and accuracy, which many believe will always remain a mystery.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Consider Thomas Hardy’s Essay

In the dictionary the word Isolation means to be separate or a part from others. I think if someone is isolated then it would be a negative aspect because they are alone and have nothing to do with anyone else. The reason for the various isolations in the two texts differs because of the different time periods they were set in. In the two books I am comparing is the â€Å"Withered Arm† by Thomas Hardy and â€Å"Of Mice and Men† by John Steinbeck. I feel that in both texts there are a few characters with their lives or they had illegitimate children. The text â€Å"Of mice and Men† was written in the 1930’s the time period of the depression. In the most of John Steinbeck’s books he describes the life of people working on the land and that his characters are all often poor. This was because he wanted to show how real the life was during that time. Within his books men and women rarely understood each other because of the lack of communication. During the time when John Steinbeck wrote â€Å"Of Mice and Men† people would frown upon coloured people, the handicapped, the old and women. They also were prejudice about women. The text the â€Å"Withered Arm† was written in the late 19th century in England. The book is set in a place called Wessex and the expectations at the time are different compared to the ones we have in today’s society. In that time social classes were expected to marry inside their class and not below that. Otherwise this would be considered a disgrace to the family of the higher class. Thomas Hardy introduces Rhode as his First character who is isolated. He establishes her isolation as her sitting on her away from the others â€Å"Where a thin fading women of thirty milked somewhat apart from the rest. † The word fading and somewhat apart from the rest reveals that she was separated from the rest of the milkmaids. Further on in the first chapter Hardy also establishes her loneliness by where she lives â€Å"†¦ lay part from that of the others, to a lonely spot high above the water-meads†¦ † this also show her isolation. The characters who are lonely are Candy, Crooks and Curley’s wife in the text â€Å"Of Mice and Men. † They are lonely because each one of them is different from everyone else. Such as Crooks is black, Candy is disabled and Curley’s wife is a women. The reason for them being lonely is because of the society’s attitude, which they lived in. The two characters that are not lonely are George and Lennie. This is as they have each other for company whereas everybody does not. Lennie and George treat each other, as they were family because they have been together for a very long time. â€Å"Because I got you an’___ An’ I got you. We got each other, that’s what, that gives a hot in hell about us’. † That quote indicates what Lennie say to George about them having each other to look after and keeping each other company. George needed Lennie because he wanted someone who would listen to him and not say anything. Lennie need George’s because he is not able to handle himself and also George promised Lennie’s aunt that he would look after him. Thomas Hardy describes Rhodes Brooks house as it old and worn † It was built of mud walls, the surface of which had been washed by many rains†¦ left none of the original flat face visible†¦ here and there in the thatch above a rafter showed like a bone protruding through the skin. † This suggests that Rhode did not a great house and that it was old just like her. The quote also indicates that the house had been through some hard times. In the text â€Å"Of Mice and Men† John Steinbeck writes about one female character that is known as Curley’s wife. As the reader I feel sympathy for her, as she is the only woman on the ranch. She is also isolated because her husband does not like her talking to any of the other workers, and also her own husband hardly speaks to her. The author has not given her a name because during that time period women were not as important as men, furthermore she is so isolated that the author decided on not given her a name. The effect this has on the reader is that she belongs to Curley unlike her being an individual person. So therefore the reader feels a little bit of sympathy for her. Thomas Hardy writes about a little boy in his book † Withered Arm† who is also nameless like Curley’s Wife. In the book he is referred as Rhode’s son. Rhode’s son is isolated because his mother had an affair with Farmer Lodge. The main reason that he is isolated is that his mother moved further away from the farm, so therefore he does not live close by to anybody. I feel that Rhode’s son is a victim of the circumstances between Farmer Lodge and Rhode because he was a product of their affair, and then Rhode moved away so she could be away from society. As a result Rhode’s son does not have friends. John Steinbeck writes about another isolated man named Crooks. The reason Crooks is so isolated is because during the time period everyone was prejudice against coloured people, and he was black. Another reason he is isolated as that he isolates himself to have some respect in the white world. Crooks was born with a disability, therefore he feels that he need to isolate himself further. He makes friends with Candy and Lennie as they isolated on the farm. When Crooks first meets Candy and Lennie it says † †¦ he kept is his distance and demanded that other people keep theirs. † This indicates that Crooks does not want anyone to be close to him. Though as the story goes on he makes friends with Candy and Lennie. I feel sorry for Crooks for being coloured and handicapped as he is very friendly person. In both the texts that I read there are two more handicapped people, named Gertrude from the † Withered Arm† and Candy from † Of Mice and Men†. Candy is isolated as he is old and has only got one arm since it was cut off when he was working on the farm. Gertrude isolated because one night Rhode cast a spell on her arm. In both texts Gertrude and Candy are alike because of their arms. They are not as isolated as Crooks or Rhode, since they only have a small isolation problem, unlike the rest. In the beginning of the text † Withered Arm† Farmer Lodge is presented as being bold and proud. He is proud as he has a new wife Gertrude, who is a lot younger than him and plus she is very beautiful. Gertrude starts to get a problem in one of her arms, as time passes her arm gets worse, therefore Farmer Lodge feels as she is not as pretty as before. This makes Farmer Lodge change. He also feels depressed since his son is hung and this changes him. The reason for him to isolate himself is that all these problems are occurring around him and he feels that it is his fault. So he moves away from his farm. In conclusion I consider that isolation is a negative aspect in someone’s life. I think that when people are isolated dreaming keeps them from getting trough. Like for instance Lennie and George’s dream to open up a farm or their own and Rhode’s dream to get back with Farmer Lodge. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.