Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Wars, Guns, and Votes Democracy in Dangerous...

Since the initiation of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, securing democratic freedoms in developing countries has become a major global-political concern. As a result, various donor nations have implemented good governance conditionalities in their financial aid policies, emphasising the establishment of fair democratic elections in recipient countries. However, efforts to reinforce legitimate democratic governments in developing states have been largely unsuccessful. In the book Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places, economist Paul Collier examines how the international community’s obsession with democracy and elections has hindered the developmental process in what he has termed as the bottom billion countries. By†¦show more content†¦Collier also illustrates how the devious actions of politicians during elections circumvent the democratic process and retard reformation in developing states. Collier also writes on the role of ethnic politics in developing states. In this chapter, he argues that in the bottom billion countries, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, tribal loyalties exceed national loyalties. As a result, there is little incentive for the distribution of common public goods in developing states. Also in this section of the book, Collier analyzes the likelihood of newly democratic nations reverting back to conflict. According to Collier, peacekeeping and over-the-horizon guarantees are the best cost-benefit options in order to ensure developing states remain peaceful. In the second part of the book, Collier focuses on the role of guns, wars, and coups in bottom billion countries. In this discussion, he argues that military spending in developing states provokes rather than deters violence. Collier also details why low-income countries are more susceptible to war, as well as examines the developmental consequences of long-term conflict. Furthermore, he argues that coups are actually beneficial to developing stat es because they are the only effective means to oppose dictatorships. Also in this section of the book, Collier examines how economic shocks and politicalShow MoreRelatedWars, Guns, Votes Democracy in Dangerous Places Book Analysis1502 Words   |  7 Pagestireless anti-narcotics crusader. Although Murphy’s views on race changed over the course of her life,[5] the perspective contained in her book, the Black Candle, is considered the most consequential because it played a role in creating a widespread â€Å"war on drugs mentality† leading to legislation that â€Å"defined addiction as a law enforcement problem.†[6] A series of articles in Macleans magazine under her pen name, â€Å"Janey Canuck,† forms the basis of the Black Candle. Using extensive anecdotes and â€Å"expert†Read MoreDoes The Second Amendment Have A Place? Essay1225 Words   |  5 PagesDoes the second amendment have a place in the year 2016? 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